The Golden Taurus - what is the danger of worshiping the idol?

Ever since time immemorial, people have worshiped the gods, who were half animal and half human. For example, Isis was portrayed not only as an indescribable beauty by a woman, but also as a woman with a cow's head. One of the gods, looking like an ox, is Moloch. Aaron, at the request of the Israelites, lost in the wilderness, a golden calf was created.

What does the golden calf mean?

By this notion is meant not only the idol, the golden calf in the modern sense - it is the power of money, the symbol of wealth, the worship and dominance of material values

Approximately from 4000 to 2000 BC. on earth was the era of the worship of the calf. Each time period was characterized by its cultural values ​​and achievements. During this period, the greater half of the gods that people worshiped resembled cows. The epoch of that time is characterized by the cult of money, gold. The Golden Taurus is a state of the human soul, when its goal is only material.

The Golden Taurus - Mythology

Will help understand what the idol of the golden calf is a legend. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and led them through the wilderness into a new land. While he was talking to the Lord and receiving instruction from him, people were afraid that misfortune had happened to him. They asked Aaron to create a god for them, who would lead them out of the desert. Aaron made gold bullion out of ornaments and gold. Around the bull, the Israelis made dances and fun. On which the Lord was very angry and wanted even to exterminate the whole nation, but Moses begged forgiveness and went to earth with Joshua.

Here he, angry, at the human stupidity and insolence broke in the hearts of the tables written by God. Taurus Easter in powder, added to the water and made the Israelites drink this water. Then he stood at the gate and offered to go with him further to those who honor the Lord and believe him. After there were a few people who decided to worship the calf, the sons of God killed those who denied God. After Moses said to God: "They have redeemed their guilt with blood."

The Golden Calf in the Bible

What is the golden calf from the Bible - with the advent of Christianity, many idols are reflected in the culture of people already this time. The bull in Christianity is a terrible sin of worshiping money and riches. However, people disagree about the symbol of the bull. This image was the prototype of a living god. It was the first Greek icon. Most likely, this was a hint of a symbol from the Bible, because in the future, in the laws of Moses, people should sacrifice a calf. That is, it turns out that they must donate money.

The Golden Taurus and Moses

A lot of questions are raised by the golden calf from the Bible, or, more precisely, by its image itself. After Moses said to the people: "Whoever comes to the Lord" - almost everything came up, but there were those who decided to worship the bull. Then the faithful killed the infidels. It turns out that this was a kind of test of faith. That is, will people be able to bring material values to the victim immaterial, spiritual.

Golden Taurus - worship

In ancient times there were a lot of gods with inhuman resemblance. One of these was Moloch - the god of luck, wealth. However, in order to receive his patronage, it was necessary to raise him a bloody tribute, which was child sacrifice. Subsequently, such idolatry is punishable by the Mosaic Law with the death penalty. The Golden Taurus, what this can mean yet - perhaps in biblical sources, this concept found a reflection in the image of Moloch. It was a symbolic renunciation of the power of a pagan god who demanded such bloodthirsty sacrifices from those who worship him.

Rituals with children's murders in honor of Moloch were spread almost in all territories where anti-Semites lived, therefore, it does not surprise that in the Middle Ages this god was counted among the demons. Later, in the Mosaic laws, a bull is sacrificed. The essence of the sacrifices is that the unclean intentions associated with the achievement of material wealth in any way, the denial of the jewels in favor of spiritual growth, are sacrificed. So what is the golden calf of importance in our days? And to this day the golden bull is a symbol of wealth.