Garuda in Slavic Mythology and Buddhism

To our days, many ancient legends have come down, which tell of the great deities and different mythical entities. Among them, Garuda, who is a bird with a human body, takes its place. He was known in many cultures.

Garuda, who is this?

The divine king, who has great power and is close to Visnu - Garuda. This mythical creature had a head, wings, claws and a beak, like a bird, but his body and legs were like an ordinary person. They portrayed him with a white face, a golden body and red wings. According to the legends at his birth, the gods thought that the god of fire had appeared. Garuda is a creature that has received immortality from Vishnu. He represents the failure of the transporting force of sound and in particular it concerns the powerful Vedic spells.

Garuda - Hinduism

In the traditions of Hinduism there are stories where Garuda talks about how the universe appeared, about the rituals of his cult, the solar essence of the god Vishnu and many other important and interesting information. Garuda and Vishnu had a connection, which is evidenced by different legends, so on this royal bird the god moved on the ground. It is worth noting that in the Vedas there is not a word about this mystical essence, but in late literature he was identified with the bird of the sun god. In some Vedic sources, Garuda is represented by a soul that has been saved forever, which has a crown of an earring and a flute.

Bird of Garuda - a legend

This mystical being is associated with many different myths and legends, and according to the most famous of them, the king of all birds decided to steal amrit (in Hindu mythology this is a divine drink that makes them immortal). During the realization of the bird conceived in the sky, Garuda meets Vishnu and he offers him the gift of immortality, for which he in return demands to become higher than Vishnu. In response, the supreme god takes his image and mounts on his banner. Since that time, Garuda herd his mount animal.

Garuda in Slavic Mythology

The ancient Slavs knew about the miracle of a bird with a human body and used its symbol as an amulet. He was a Vedic symbol of the heavenly fiery chariot, on which the god Vyshen 'moved. Ornament represents a bird that soars in the sky between the stars. Garud's sign among the Slavs was considered very powerful, because he was endowed with divine power, which can induce a person's desire for knowledge of the secrets of nature.

Slavic Wardrobe - Garuda

Ancient Slavic talismans are popular until now, and if a person is looking for a powerful amulet, then he should pay attention to this symbol.

  1. Garuda is a cosmic bird that can fulfill the desires of people who seek to know the truth of life. It is recommended to use such a talisman to researchers and scientists, especially if their activity is related to the cosmos.
  2. Ward Garuda will be useful for children who choose their way in life . Thanks to his strength, they will certainly achieve success.
  3. The talisman of this bird will open to the worthy people a world of secret knowledge and ancient traditions that will help to acquire the gift of prediction.
  4. It is believed that if a person uses the Garud symbol, he will have the opportunity to know the truth of the world. The power of the talisman will help him to instantly assess the situation and make the right decisions.
  5. Such a guardian will help during a lifetime to easily overcome the difficulties encountered. The divine bird simply will not let go from the right path.

Garuda - Buddhism

It has already been said that the mystical being was known in different cultures, so in Buddhist mythology it was the interpretation of the huge birds that were the eternal enemies of the naga. It was believed that the swing of their wings could create a storm. The myths told that Garuda can assume a human face and even in one of his past births he was king. Garud's sign was an element of Fire.

Buddhist mantras of Garuda

There is a large number of Garuda practices aimed at treating illnesses and diseases. A special mudra and mantra help uncover the talent, develop spiritual intuition and vision. They also improve metabolism , give strength and saturate the body with energy. If you practice regularly, you can rise above the daily bustle and get a positive attitude.

  1. First it is necessary to perform the mudra, for which the hands spread their palms to themselves and cross their thumbs. Set your fingers apart like the wings of a bird.
  2. After that, the mantra of Garuda is read, which reads as follows: "Om krim temple temple grim bhirundavai namah . "
  3. All this is supported by visualization. Imagine yourself easily floating in the sky above the ground. During this, one must see the different terrain (this is life) before the eyes, mountain massifs (challenges), but they are quite manageable, because there are favorable paths. The bird of prey must look at one's own life and understand that all obstacles can be easily overcome and live in full harmony.
  4. Perform the practice three times a day for 4 minutes.