Dazhdbog in Slavic Mythology - Vedic Prophecies of the Incarnation of Dazhbog

The Slavs were widespread polytheism, and one of the most significant was Dazhdbog, who performed important functions. People used his idols and made a special amulet, possessing huge forces. The Slavs represented Dazhbog a warrior in scarlet-gold armor, who had a spear and a shield in his hands.

Who is Dazhdbog?

One of the main in the Slavic pantheon was Dazhdbog, who was considered the patron of fertility and sunlight. It is worth noting that he was not the only deity of the sun. The patron of the spring sun is Yarilo , the winter one - Horse, and the summer one - Dazhdbog. His name translates as "giving good." Dazhdbog is the ancestor of all the ancient Slavs. About him you can find a mention in the famous work "The Tale of Bygone Years". Although this deity was peaceful, he was one of the most skilful warriors of Iria.

Dazhdbog is a symbol

There are several symbols that are related to Dazhbog. Since the presented deity is sunny, the disk is considered to be its most popular sign. In addition, the solar square of Dazhbog is known, in which the sacred significance of the power and grace of the deity is enclosed. The figure of the sign shows that his love energy extends to all four directions of the world. Another symbol of this god is the ruby, which is the personal stone of the sun god. It remains to understand what forces possess symbols Dazhbog:

  1. For young people, they will purify the mind, give strength and guide to the righteous path. With the help of such a talisman it will be possible to cope with various problems and troubles arising on the way.
  2. For adults, Dazhdbog will contribute to acquiring spiritual balance. In addition, the amulet will strengthen health and help to find a common language with the younger generation.
  3. The power of the talisman will attract people to happiness and love. Having such a talisman, a person begins to control his own thoughts and actions.

Summer and winter Dazhdbog

One of the most famous symbols of this deity are Dazhdbog winter and summer. Outwardly, they are completely different, but they represent sunlight and abundant fertility. Dazhdbog winter is the patron of wealth, light, natural phenomena, various benefits and so on. The ancient Slavs put it on idols, and also it can be seen on the stones of the temples and sanctuaries of the Slavs.

Dazhdbog summer patronizes all Slavs, regardless of place of residence and age. The symbol was depicted on temples, wards, clothes, ornaments and sanctuaries. He has tremendous power and helps realize the cherished desire, to preserve health and promote other benefits. In addition, the summer symbol is considered the personification of the universe. The person who carries it with him on his chest, can easily stand out from the crowd.

The meaning of runes Dazhdbog

The runic symbol dedicated to one of the important deities of the Slavic pantheon is called summer, because it represents the gifts that nature presents to people in the summer. Runa Dazhdbog embodies the cornucopia, that is, the benefits derived from God. It is worth noting that here we mean not only finances, but also health, love, peace of mind and so on. There are several more meanings of this rune, so, it is associated with fateful encounters in a person's life. When interpreting divination, the Dazhdbog rune is considered a symbol of successful resolution of difficult situations.

Dazhdbog - Mythology

It is worth mentioning immediately that the family tree of the Slavic gods is entangled and connected with the fact that a large amount of information was lost after the arrival of Orthodoxy on Russian lands. There is information that Dazhdbog moves across the sky in a chariot drawn by four white horses with fire manes and golden wings. Describe it as a handsome man with a direct look that knows no lies. God of the Slavs Dazhdbog has golden hair.

The day of this solar deity is Sunday, and gold is gold. Slavs made idols Dazhbog and it must be installed so that the head was directed to the sunrise or to the southeast. He was also called "Savior". Since the Apple and the Honey Spas are the days of veneration of SvaroĊ™ich. There is one of the versions that Dazhdbog and Perun have a close connection. Some studies believe that Tarkh Dazhdbog is the son of Perun's god, who is the grandson of Svarogu.

Father Dazhbog

The solar deity was the first son of Svarog who gave the people many gods who helped ordinary people to organize different spheres of life. It is believed that he created the earth, using the stone of Alatyr, who foamed the ocean and created the dry land. Svarog also gave people fire and taught them how to create different kinds of metal from metal. Svarog was a blacksmith, so his children were called Svarozhichs. This nickname was also the Slavic god Dazhdbog. To worship Svarog, it is necessary to build a fire near a large-sized stone, on which symbols of fire must be placed.

Who is Dazhbog's wife?

The spouse of the deity of the sun is Zhiva, who is the female hypostasis of the single Gender. She is the goddess of life and patroness of the world of Yavi. Dazhdbog and Zhiva enjoyed great respect among the ancient Slavs. The goddess is considered superior to the forces of light and darkness. People believed that Zhiva is able to influence the canvas of the universe, and yet she was considered the patroness of fertility. The three incarnations of this goddess are Lelya, Lada and Makosh. Represented Live a tall woman with a lush breasts that holds the ears in their hands.

Children of Dazhdbog

There are different versions concerning the descendant of the sun god, but many researchers are of the same opinion that the son of Dazhbog and Zhiva was the son of Arius, who is considered the progenitor of the Aryans. The name comes from the word "ari", which translates as a plowman. Descendants of Dazhbog's son are Aryans, from whom Armenians, Kyivites, residents of Krakow, Czechs and so on went. From Svarog Arius received predictions that the Slavs will become a great people, who will create many unique things.

Vedic prophecies are incarnations of Dazhbog

According to the existing information in Rus around the 11th century AD. Christianity began to spread, but people continued to wear the clothes of the priests and perform numerous rituals. There are researchers who believe that this was not a manifestation of paganism, calling it the ancient pre-Slavic Vedic tradition. In it, keep the prophesies that the god Dazhdbog is the foundation of the whole Christian faith, because Jesus Christ is his incarnation.

Strong conspiracies from the spoiling of Dazhbog

A powerful Slavic god helps people in many matters, but one of his main functions is the expulsion of essences, the removal of the magical negativity and protection from negative influence from the outside. With regular interaction with Dazhbog and communicating with him, you can secure yourself strong health and protection from different entities. People who practice black magic are not advised to turn to the solar deity, as this can cause serious problems.

An appeal to Dazhbog gives a person a feeling of joy and happiness. To conduct the ritual, you must poison yourself in the forest and find a sunny clearing there, so that no one distracts from the action. If there is no way to go to nature, then you can even sit on the balcony, the main thing is to have direct sunlight. To Dazhdbog patron of the sun helped, it is necessary to bring him a sacrifice, which is suitable beer, kvass or vodka. A ritual is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. Settle near the altar. If the ceremony is conducted at home, then it is necessary to light the wax candles, and if in the street, then it is better to pour a handful of green tea and set it on fire.
  2. Three times say the presented conspiracy-glory. After that, in your own words, refer to Dazhbog and ask them to accept the victim and help in a specific situation.
  3. Pour on the altar beer or vodka and read the praise again. If the ritual was successful, then a feeling of happiness and other positive emotions should arise.

Strong conspiracy to fulfill the desire Dazhdbozhe

Pagans turned to supernatural forces with different requests. Many do not know what gives, what they ask Dazhbog for and in what situations you can count on his help. He was treated to heal from various diseases, solve problems in his personal life, get protection in the war and so on. With the right treatment with sincere faith, you can get help in fulfilling any desire.

  1. Pagan conspiracies refer to white magic, so they should be read in good spirits and best of all on Tuesday or Wednesday.
  2. Presented plot Dazhbogu needs to read in the open air, when the sun shines brightly, you can use the ritual described above.

Prayer for the Slavic Dazhbogu for money

It has already been mentioned that the sun god helps in different situations and he can be asked for help in financial matters. The main thing is that the intentions are good. Prayer to Dazhbogu for money can be used during the ritual that was described above, or you can speak the rune, thus making a powerful amulet.

  1. For a talisman, prepare a natural material, for example, wood, leather, bone, stone or metal.
  2. On the selected item, draw the Dazhbog rune. During the manufacture of the amulet, one should think about material enrichment.
  3. After that, the prayer Dazhbogu, which should be read, holding the rune in hands, is pronounced.