The God of War in Greek Mythology

Ares is the god of war in Greek mythology. His parents were the most powerful and significant gods of Olympus - Zeus and Hera. Despite this father was not good for Ares because of his bloodthirstiness. The God of war was distinguished by his cunning and ruthlessness. He did not know what justice meant, he just went crazy about the sight of blood and eventually he killed all the participants in the battles. In the war, his constant companion was the goddess of discord Eris. The Greeks feared this god, for he carried death and sorrow.

What was the name of the Greek god of war and what about him?

In the birth of Ares, Zeus did not take part, because it happened from the contact of Hera with the magic flower. Despite the horror and fear of the Greeks portrayed the god of war, a handsome young man of high stature with broad shoulders. On his head he always had a helmet, and in his hands a shield, a spear or a sword. Interestingly, the god of war was never portrayed in battle. Basically, he appeared in a peaceful pose, as if resting after the battle. Attributes of it were considered: claws, dogs, a burning torch and a kite. In some cases, depicted the god of war, holding in his hands the statue of the goddess of victory, Nicky and a sprig of olive tree. The mistress of the Greek god of war Ares was Aphrodite. There are many cultural monuments where this pair of gods is portrayed together. Moved Ares in a chariot drawn by four horses. In the battles also accompanied his two sons - Deimos and Phobos.

According to one of the legends, the ancient god of war loved to take part in wars directly, introducing himself as an ordinary person. During the battle, he issued a scream, which drove other warriors crazy and they began indiscriminately to kill all life that came across them on the way. In such battles, not only men died, but also animals, children, and women. Therefore, many Greeks believed that it was Ares who was guilty of all problems and sorrows. Mortals believed that only by pacifying the god of war, life will be adjusted. For this they turned to the giants for help, who grabbed Ares and shut him in the dungeon. The Greek god of war was imprisoned for 13 months, and after it was released by Hermes.

With Aphrodite they had five children: Deimos and Phobos had all the features of the god of war, Ares, Eros and Antharot began to continue the work of the mother, and also one of the daughters was Harmony. There is also information that Ares gave rise to a strong and warlike Amazons.

The most famous myths associated with Ares

In Greece, the most arrogant god of war hated Athena, who was responsible for an honest and just war. Once she took the spear of Diomedes and let him into her rival so that she fell into an unprotected armor place, and struck him. Ares went to Olympus, but Zeus said that he got what he deserved and his place is not with them, but in Tartarus with the Titans. Like other gods of Olympus, Ares is not invincible, even given his strength. When he lost his mind in battle, he was often beaten. Most of all, he suffered from his main rival, Athena. According to some legends, one day he was even able to beat an ordinary mortal warrior. Hercules and the giants defeated him, in general, Ares often had to feel humiliated. Homer describes how the god of war took part in the Trojan War on the side of the Trojans. Because of jealousy towards Aphrodite, Ares turned into a wild boar and killed her lover Adonis. This was the only god who was not invited to the wedding of Peyrita, which was the reason for the war between the Lapiths and Centaurs.

The cult of Ares was not common among Greeks, as with other peoples. In Athens, there is one temple on Mount Agora, dedicated to this god. Before the battle, the soldiers turned to Athena, and not to Ares. More favorably treated in Thebes.