What sports to do to lose weight?

Like it, or not, but the world is ruled by certain standards of beauty, which tell us "beautiful" or "ugly." Do you want to fit in these standards - this should be worked on, or rather, sweat, because you have not yet invented a better means for losing weight than sports. Now we will tell you about what sports you need to do to lose weight.

A bike

A bicycle is an ideal option for practical people. On the one hand, you burn calories , lose weight in legs and thighs, swing your buttocks, and on the other, you do not need to allocate special time for training, because you can not stop them, moving in different directions in space. We put cycling on the first place in the list, which sport is best for losing weight, because it benefits not only you, but also protects the environment.


It is impossible not to say that swimming is best suited to the thesis, which sport really contributes to weight loss. Bike with a bicycle, but for some 40 minutes of swimming you will burn 400 kcal. And in addition, swimming is also the best assistant in the fight against cellulite. Swimming develops a cardiovascular system, moisturizes the skin, makes your breathing deeper, and, of course, gives a wonderful mood.


The leader in popularity around the world is running. It can not be included in our magic list, which sports are effective for losing weight, because for running you do not need any special ammunition, nor the places reserved for this occupation. You can run anywhere, even around your own house, and sneakers (in fact, all that is necessary for amateur running), there is almost everyone, not even a sports person.

The best form of running for weight loss is interval running . First you run 100 m sprint, then 100 m jog, and 100 m step. So repeat for 30 minutes, and the result will soon be noticeable not only to you, but to others.