Chicken liver is good

When we see before ourselves an appetizing liver roll, we first of all want to enjoy its taste. And while we do not think much about the benefits of the chicken liver, from which this dish is cooked. Meanwhile, it is quite substantial to include this subproduct in your daily diet.

Nutritional value of chicken liver

First of all, it is necessary to note the exceptional nutritional properties of the product. Like any other meat ingredient, the bird's liver is very rich in protein, although a significant proportion of fats are also present here - about 35-39% of the total mass. And yet, the chicken liver is not too high in calories, and the nutritional value of the raw product is approximately 100-120 kcal. It is included in the list of dietary products shown for obesity and metabolic disorders. Also in it is presented a huge amount of active substances and microelements. It is easy to answer the question, what vitamins in the chicken liver is, it is more difficult to say what it is not. Of the most valuable can be noted vitamins B, A, E, C, K, RR, etc.

Benefits of chicken liver

Thanks to the presence of vitamin C and selenium, the protein from the chicken liver is digested much better than from other products of animal origin. Therefore, it is included in the diet of athletes who want to rapidly build muscle mass. Useful properties of chicken liver are due to the high content of iron, copper and zinc in it, which optimizes blood composition and increases hemoglobin. It should be eaten regularly for anemia and other more serious diseases. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system. And magnesium and potassium , contained in it, helps reduce the risk of heart disease. It can be eaten by diabetics, people with diseases of the digestive system and increased levels of cholesterol in the blood.