Hyperplastic process of the endometrium

To pass or take place inspection at the gynecologist it is recommended time in half a year, and even to healthy women. The main reason for this frequency - the possible hormonal changes in the female body, which sometimes flow very quickly. An example is hyperplastic processes of the uterus - hyperplasia and polyps of the endometrium . They represent a benign pathology on the mucous membrane of the uterus, which, however, can degenerate into a malignant one. Let's look at the details of this disease in more detail.

Signs of the hyperplastic process of the endometrium

An alarming symptom that allows one to suspect the presence of such hyperplastic processes in the body is, first of all, an irregular cycle. As a rule, it is accompanied by intermenstrual bleeding, a change in the nature of secretions during menstruation (they become more abundant or more prolonged), and sometimes pains in the lower abdomen remotely similar to fights.

Another important feature of this disease is the absence of ovulation. This can be seen from the appropriate basal temperature chart, or for a long-term pregnancy, if the woman plans to become a mother. More often it refers to primary infertility.

In women who have entered the postmenopause, the hyperplastic process of the endometrium can often be completely asymptomatic. It should also be noted that this disease is more likely in patients suffering from anemia, diabetes or obesity.

Hyperplastic process of endometrium - diagnosis and treatment

In 10% of cases, polyps and endometrial dysplasia can degenerate into malignant tumors and lead to more than serious cancers. That is why diagnostics and subsequent treatment or at least monitoring of any hyperplastic process is so important.

So, the doctor can judge the final diagnosis after ultrasound examination of a woman (usually a transvaginal sensor), hysteroscopy, diagnostic scraping and biopsy procedures.

There are two treatment regimens for patients with hyperplastic endometrial processes. The first, conservative, consists in hormone therapy and mandatory separate scraping of the cervical canal and internal walls of the uterus. If the pharmacotherapy did not work, within 3-6 months or the analysis indicates the presence of atypical endometrial cells, surgical treatment (hysteroscopic resection of the endometrium or, in extreme cases, hysterectomy) is performed.