Forms of education

Forms of upbringing are the ways by which the educational process is organized, the collective and individual activity of students by influencing their feelings and behavior.

The methods and forms of upbringing are somewhat similar in content, but they have some differences. With the help of methods, a unique effect on the personality takes place. These are the tools that help develop the child's moral beliefs.

Factors affecting the choice of means of influence:

Given these conditions, it is possible to determine the basic forms of upbringing. Their list is not exhaustive. Therefore, every teacher should find his own approach.

Forms of upbringing in pedagogy provide for the relationship and interaction between the teacher and the student. Classification of pedagogical forms is very great, but three main ones are distinguished from them:

  1. Individual.
  2. Group.
  3. Collective.

Individual form of education

The meaning of the individual form is that every special person needs a special approach. With the help of joint conversations, assistance, sincere conversations and trust, it is possible to reach high levels in the development process. The main task of the teacher is to study the personality of the student.

Group Education

Training in a group form develops humane relations among children, improves interpersonal skills. The mentor in this case participates in the role of the organizer. Its goal is to achieve mutual understanding and respect between the participants.

Collective education

Concerts, collective hikes, sightseeing trips, sports competitions are all ways of collective form of bringing up children. Here the teacher acts as a participant, and organizer and assistant.

Forms of education and upbringing are determined by the type of activity, the way the teacher influences, the time of the training and the number of subjects. It is best when the means of influence are determined in the very process of learning.

Peculiarities of upbringing of children of preschool and school age

The form of education of the preschooler should involve the listener as much as possible, because the final result depends on this. It is necessary to interest the pupil correctly so that he can not distract himself by something else. The main conditions in the process of personality formation :

The form of education of younger schoolchildren is more diverse. Here, in addition to the interest of first-graders, it is necessary to create a friendly environment in the team, help the children to cooperate with each other and try to find compromises in different situations. It is important that at a younger school age a student learns the essence of people and learns a sense of responsibility towards others and himself.

Modernization in Education

In practice, unconventional forms of upbringing are very often used. They help to bring diversity into the training system itself, improve the atmosphere and make the guys active. These are all kinds of trainings, KVNs, games, contests. Some teachers involve parents in these activities.

It is the modern forms of education that bring the "zest" to the system. They do not give an assessment directly to the individual, it is here that the deed that is committed is judged. The opinion of the adherents of modern education boils down to the fact that you can not shout at a child. Children listen to adults only when they listen to them. This should be based on the forms of upbringing in the family. If the son or daughter is surrounded by care, attention, respect from the parents, then they will learn to respect. Since childhood, watching violence in the family, the child himself will in the future achieve his goals in a negative way.