Chocolate mousse without eggs

As a rule, all kinds of mousses are cooked using eggs. But not all people can use this product. We'll tell you now how to make delicious chocolate mousse without eggs. Cook it very quickly and simply, and the result will exceed all your expectations.

Chocolate Mousse Recipe without eggs



Chocolate we break into pieces and melt it in a water bath. Add soybean and coconut milk, coconut shavings, mix and mix it well with a mixer. Everything, chocolate mousse without eggs is ready, we spread it on kremankam and we submit to the table.

Light chocolate mousse without eggs



Chocolate we break into pieces, add it to a bowl and melt it in a water bath. Cream whisk to a pomp, pour the melted chocolate in them and gently mix. After that, we spread mousse on kremankam and clean in the refrigerator for half an hour, so that it has a more dense consistency. Then immediately served to the table.

How to make chocolate mousse without eggs?



Gelatine soaked in 50 ml of cold milk. The remaining milk is heated, we put chocolate pieces into it and mix it until the chocolate melts. Add the swollen gelatin and mix. Whisk the cream until thick and mix it with the chocolate mixture. Mix from top to bottom until smooth. The resulting mass is filled with molds and put into the refrigerator for about half an hour. Ready mousse can be sprinkled with coconut shavings or ground nuts.

Chocolate mousse without eggs with berries



Frozen bananas give a little mop, and then cut into cubes. Mix frozen bananas, almond milk, cocoa, coconut oil and maple syrup. A good whisk with a blender. We spread out the received weight on kremankam, from above we spread the diced banana and a strawberry. Immediately we serve to the table.