Dantinorm baby - user guide

The problem of painful dentition is faced by a huge number of parents of babies. Most babies experience severe pain during the dentistry, they constantly cry and are capricious, their appetite decreases or disappears completely.

In addition, pain in the gums is very often aggravated at night, as a result of which sleep is disturbed not only by the infant himself, but also by his entire family. Of course, this has a very negative impact on the mood and performance of both parents, as well as on the relationship between them.

To help the crumb through this difficult period is possible with the help of highly effective medicines. One of the most common drugs designed to reduce pain in the gums during teething is the homeopathic medicine Dantinorm-baby. In this article, we will tell you what this means is and how to correctly take it.

At what age can I take Dantinorm-baby according to the instructions?

Based on the instructions for use, the drug Dantinorm-baby can be used for children since birth, that is, has no age restrictions. As a rule, he is prescribed to children, starting from the age of three months, when they first have painful and uncomfortable sensations associated with teething. Meanwhile, Dantinorm-baby's remedy can be used at the age of two or three at the exit from the gums of large molars, the appearance of which is very often accompanied by intense pain.

In any case, you do not have to worry about the safety of your baby, because according to the instructions, Dantinorm-baby contains only natural ingredients that can not harm the health of even the smallest child, namely: rhubarb extract, chamomile extract and Indian ivy extract , and the only auxiliary ingredient is water.

Due to its completely natural composition, Dantinorm-baby has no contraindications and does not cause side effects. Nevertheless, it should be understood that the children's body may suffer from an individual intolerance to any of the components of this remedy, so that the occurrence of allergic reactions is not ruled out.

How correctly to accept Dantinorm-baby?

To give the baby this medication, you will have to perform a simple sequence of actions:

  1. Open the sachet.
  2. Take out a block of polyethylene containers, welded together, and separate one of them with hands.
  3. Take the head of this container with two fingers and slightly turn it to one side.
  4. Plant or put the baby, depending on the age, open his mouth, and then lightly pressing his fingers on the container completely pour its contents into the mouth of the baby.
  5. The remaining containers should be placed back in a sachet bag, bent on its open side and put it in a place inaccessible to young children.

A small child who has not reached the age of one should be given one container 2-3 times a day in breaks between feedings. If Dentinorm-baby is used to relieve the condition of a baby older than this age, the dosage can be increased. At the same time, you should closely monitor if the baby will develop an allergy.

Reviews of most young mothers about the drug Dantinorm-baby are positive, however, some women claim that it did not help their babies at all. If you also did not notice any therapeutic effect of taking this medication for 3 days, contact your doctor to choose another method of treatment.