Lumbar lordosis

Lumbar lordosis is the bending of the spine forward. In this case, such a bend is observed in most people and is a completely normal physiological condition of the spine. But there are cases when the bulge comes out of the established boundaries. This phenomenon requires certain treatment, because it is considered pathological.

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis

If we talk about the symptoms, then here you need to take into account the degree of disease, the magnitude of the deflection, as well as how it affects the internal organs. At the initial stages, the signs may not appear or be insignificant. The main manifestations of pathological lordosis of the lumbar spine include:

Complicated or strengthened lordosis of the lumbar region is easy to determine by placing a person on a flat floor. With pathogenic violation between the sex and the waist, a considerable distance will be observed.

There are certain signs of a flattened lordosis of the lumbar region:

How to treat lumbar lordosis?

To begin with, the attending physician should find out the reasons for the appearance of the disease, in order to properly assign recommendations. It is worth noting that the treatment of the lumbar department is a fairly long process, which may include a number of activities:

Also during the period of treatment, drugs are used that relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process. However, appoint their doctors recommend only with severe back pain.

With manual therapy, an intensive physical load is applied to the spine, which should increase the flexibility of the intervertebral discs, and increase muscle tone. In this case, the segments of the vertebra are well extended, and the vertebral corset is strengthened. It is worth considering that with a complex form of the disease, such procedures are contraindicated.

Easier method of influence are massages that help improve blood circulation and work of internal organs. Massages can also contribute to the restoration of the flexibility of the spine itself. In a complex with them it is necessary to spend medical gymnastics .

Straightening of the lumbar lordosis can be carried out using a special board, on which the back of the patient closes as much as possible to the surface, and hands and feet are fixed by holders from different sides.

For gymnastic exercises that are designed specifically to eliminate this problem. Most often do this with a special axis, which will align the back, for example, squat with a stick. It is worth noting that such exercises very effectively stretch the spine and make it more flexible.

In the most complex manifestations of the disease, more radical measures are possible, for example, surgical intervention. He is appointed only after all other methods are tried and did not give positive results. Operative lumbar alignment occurs with the use of metal structures, which then perform the fixation of the operated department. After the operation, during the recovery period, you should wear a special corset and take vitamin complexes, as well as conduct therapeutic gymnastics.