The child broke his lip - what to do?

As you know, childhood is a very traumatic period of life. At first the baby suffers from poor coordination of movements, then from excessive curiosity and an overabundance of energy. Injuries of the face occupy an honorable first place in children's traumatism, and already among them the smashed lips are confidently leading. What you need to do if the child has broken his lip, how to treat the wound and how to treat the broken lip - let's talk in our article.

Broken lip: treatment

Help to cope with the situation, if the child broke his lip, will help our recommendations:

  1. Do not panic - like all wounds on the face, a broken lip is accompanied by heavy bleeding, but this does not mean that the child is threatened with death from loss of blood. No matter how scared the mother of the spectacle of a bloodied baby, its primary task is to act clearly, calmly and confidently.
  2. Rinse the broken lip - for this kid you need to wash and convince to open your mouth. When the mouth is open, the wound should be disinfected with any means at hand: hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In the course of disinfection it is necessary to estimate the size of the damage: a small wound can be healed at home, but if the child has severely broken his lip, then he will have to visit the hospital and apply seams.
  3. Apply a cold - an ice pack will help stop blood and remove puffiness from the tissues.
  4. Than to smear a wound if the child has broken a labium? Favorite for many generations mothers green and iodine here just will not help and even harm, because the skin on the lips is very tender. But as the first aid honey, having softening, healing and anti-inflammatory properties will approach. Also help relieve pain and heal the lips of sea buckthorn oil and propolisnaya ointment. Very good effect gives a mixture of propolis ointment and honey applied at night on the wound, especially if you can convince the baby not to lick it. Suitable for the treatment of broken lips and a zinc ointment known to everyone, which must be applied to the damaged skin 2-3 times a day. Before going outside, the skin of the lips should be softened with lanolin or hygienic lipstick.
  5. What if the child broke his lip from the inside? In this case, the wound must be treated with a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine. This procedure should be carried out by my mother with a cotton pad. A child as an older person can rinse your mouth yourself. After rinsing on the wound, it is necessary to apply a healing ointment, for example, a children's balm "Rescuer".