13 strange facts about what happens to the body after death

Scientists have been studying death for more than a decade, or rather, what happens to the body of a person when the heart stops. During this time, several interesting conclusions were drawn.

Numerous studies and new technologies have still not been able to provide answers to many questions concerning death. Scientists can not accurately and in detail describe what happens to a person when death is stated. At the same time, we managed to determine some facts, we'll talk about them.

1. Living eyes

Unexpected results were obtained in the study of the human eye after his death. As it turned out, during the three days after death, the cornea continues to "live". This situation is due to the fact that the cornea is on the edge of the eye and it contacts the air, getting oxygen.

2. Do hair and nails grow?

In fact, the information that hair and nails continue to grow after death is a myth. This was proved by a forensic doctor who produced 6,000 autopsies. Nails and hair seem longer due to the fact that the skin loses its fluid and shrinks.

3. Strange convulsions

Scientists after the studies have determined that the body of a dead person, even after some time after stopping the heart, can move. The reason for this is convulsions, which arise from the brain activity that was conducted until the last moment, that is, the brain signaled the whole body for movement.

4. Working digestive system

After stopping the heart, metabolic processes continue to flow in the body, so for some time the intestine will continue its normal work.

5. The appearance of purple spots

In the films in the morgues in front of the audience, the corpses appear very pale, but this is only one side of the picture. If you turn the body, then on the back and shoulders you can see the purple spots, and it's not bruises at all. Scientists explain this by the fact that when the heart stops shaking blood, then under the influence of gravity, it begins to concentrate in vessels located below others. In medicine, this process is called rigor mortis. If a person has died lying on his side, then violet spots will appear in this area.

6. Ideal for transplantation

Death is established when the heart stops working, but its valves can persist for another 36 hours. This is due to the fact that there are long-lived cells in the connective tissue. Valves are often used for transplanting.

7. Accidental bowel movements

In medicine, several cases were recorded when, after death, defecation occurred. The processes were triggered by gases that left the body after death.

8. Awesome groans

First aid for cardiac arrest includes artificial respiration, which means filling the lungs and stomach with air. If death occurs, it is clear that the air must go somewhere, especially if pressure is applied to the hull. In the end, this process will be similar to the fact that a dead person is groaning - a real horror.

9. Thinking dead

Unique results showed recent studies - after death, brain activity decreases to zero, but after a while it can again rise to the level of an identical state of wakefulness. What happens during this process, the scientists have not been able to find out yet. There is a suggestion that this arises from the fact that the soul leaves the body, but science explains this by the fact that a large number of nerve cells emit the last impulses. If you use special medications, then the brain can be extended for several days.

10. A terrible smell from the mouth

When a person dies, the immune system ceases to function, as a result of which the intestines and respiratory tracts are filled with bacteria that actively multiply. After the rotting process takes place, gases are released. If you press on the body, then all the gas will come out through the mouth and the smell will be terrible.

11. Birth of a child

Earlier, when medicine was not yet developed so well, many cases were recorded when a woman died during childbirth. In history, several cases were recorded, after the death of the mother the child was born naturally. This is explained by the fact that the gases accumulated in the body, pushed the fruit out.

12. Possible erections

This is rare, but there are still cases when, after death, an erection was observed in a man. This state has a scientific explanation: after death, blood can be collected into clots in which nutrients and oxygen are found. As a result, the blood feeds cells susceptible to calcium, and this can lead to the activation of certain muscles, which in turn reduce, which provokes an erection.

13. Working cells

It turns out that after death in the human body, the cells related to the immune system-macrophages continue to work for another day. They try to cleanse the body, not realizing that it is already useless, for example, these cells destroy soot, which is in the lungs after a fire.