Recipe for moonshine from sugar

Do you want to make quality moonshine yourself at home? Believe me, this is not too difficult. We offer you several ways of making moonshine from sugar.

The recipe for making moonshine from sugar



Now tell you how to put the moonshine on sugar. We put all the ingredients in a large and deep pan, pour warm water. After this, we insist a lot of weight exactly 1 day and drive in the brewing apparatus. As a result, you should get about 5 liters of pure moonshine.

By the same principle, you can prepare and brew from jam .

Moonshine from sugar and yeast



Consider another recipe, how to make moonshine from sugar. All the ingredients are put in a large saucepan, pour warm boiled water and mix thoroughly. We insist the mixture for 1 day, and then distill. Ready-brewed vodka is bottled, clogged and cleaned in a cellar or refrigerator.

The classic recipe for moonshine from sugar



Sugar and yeast pour 30 liters of warm boiled water and mix well. Then add the currant leaves and dry fennel to make the drink a pleasant smell. We insist all 6-7 days, and then distill.

Moonshine from wheat and sugar



To prepare the moonshine we take not very fresh grain, that is, before it is soaked it should lie for about a month. 2. Yeast is best used for alcohol, not bread baking, so that the fermentation takes place more intensively.

Now go directly to the technology of production of moonshine. The selected grain is laid out evenly on flat baking trays, filled with water so that it only covers a little bit of wheat, otherwise it will not germinate. We leave the grain in the soaked form and put it in a dark and warm place. Somewhere on the second or third day you will have the first sprouts, if not, then your grain is substandard and you will have to buy another. During germination, wheat should be periodically, once a day, turned over so that it does not become sour and moldy. When the wheat sprouts are about a centimeter 2 and begin to intertwine with each other, we take them carefully out of the water without dividing them.

Now we turn to cooking berg for moonshine. We take a capacity of 40 liters, pour warm water and put sugar. Next, we mix everything thoroughly and wait for the water to cool down to about 45 degrees. Then we add sprouted grain - malt and finely crumbled fresh yeast. Thoroughly stir everything, close the container tightly with a lid and leave the brew to insist.

After a couple of weeks, open the container, filter through a colander to collect all the grain and use it then again 2-3 times. Then pour in homemade kefir or any other fermented milk product. We do this so that there is no fusel oil in the prepared brew. Now, with the help of a home distillery or a conventional home-brewing machine, we distill the brag. To get a high-quality product of good cleaning, do immediately secondary distillation. The remaining wheat can be safely used two more times, and the taste of moonshine from this does not change at all. The last step is to clean the drink with charcoal.

Well, that's all, now you know how you can prepare yourself a quality and natural moonshine from sugar!