25 incredible things that happen to the body after death

Nobody likes talking about death, about the decay of being and so on. Someone reminds them of lectures on philosophy, which we tried to miss at the institute, and some people are saddened by sadness, forced to look at their lives from a bird's-eye view and realize that there are so many more things to do.

No matter how sad, it is important to treat this as a part of life and it is useful to spice it with humor, as well as interesting facts.

1. A large number of unpleasant odors.

After death, the body is completely relaxed, as a result of which previously released gases are released.

2. Cadaveric rigor mortis.

Also called Rigor Mortis. And it is caused by the loss of a substance called adenosine triphosphate. In short, it is his absence that causes the muscles to become firm. A similar chemical reaction begins in the body two to three hours after death. After two days, the muscles relax and return to their original state. Interestingly, in cool conditions, the body is least susceptible to cadaveric petrification.

3. Farewell, wrinkles!

As mentioned just above, after death, the body relaxes, and this indicates that tension in muscles disappears. So, small wrinkles can disappear in the corners of the lips, eyes, on the forehead. Also, a smile disappears from the face.

4. Wax bodies.

Some bodies under certain conditions can be covered with a substance called "zhivorosk" or "adipocyr", which is the product of the decay of body cells. As a result, some parts of the body can become "waxy". By the way, this fat can be white, yellow or gray.

5. Movement of muscles.

After death, the body twitches for a couple of seconds, it causes spasms. Moreover, there were cases when, after the person emitted a spirit, his chest moved, giving the impression that the deceased was breathing. And the reason for such phenomena lies in the fact that after a while for some time the nervous system sends a signal to the spinal cord.

6. Attack with bacteria.

In the body of each of us, countless bacteria live. And for the reason that after death the immune system ceases to function, then now nothing prevents them from moving freely around the body. So, the bacteria begin to absorb the intestines, and then the surrounding tissues. Then they invade the blood capillaries of the digestive system and the lymph nodes, spreading first to the liver and the spleen, and then to the heart and brain.

7. Cadaverous groans.

The body of each person is filled with liquids and gas. As soon as all the organs attack the bacteria, which we wrote about in the previous paragraph, the rotting process begins, and then a part of the gases evaporates. So, for them one way out is the trachea. And because often inside the dead body there is a whistle, a sigh or groans. Definitely a terrible sight.

8. Sexual arousal.

At the majority of the died men after death there is a swelling of a sexual member therefore the erection arises. This is because after a cardiac arrest, blood under the influence of gravitational forces moves to the lower organs, and the penis is one of those.

9. Childbearing.

In history, there were cases when the body of a dead pregnant woman pushed out an unviable fetus. This is all due to the presence of accumulated gases inside, as well as complete bodily relaxation.

10. It is impossible to die of old age.

Old age is not a disease. Everyone knows that after the death of a person, his relatives are issued a death certificate. And even if the deceased was 100 years old, this document will not state that the reason for his death is old age.

11. The last 10 seconds.

Some experts say that after the soul has left the body, some cellular activity of the head and brain can be observed. All this is the result of muscle contraction. In general, after fixing the state of clinical death, the brain lives for another 6 minutes.

12. Eternal bones.

Over time, all human tissues completely rot. As a result, there remains a bare skeleton, which may collapse after years, but in any case, very strong bones remain.

13. A little bit about decomposition.

It is believed that the human body is 50-75% of water, and each kilogram of dry body weight during decomposition releases into the environment 32 grams of nitrogen, 10 grams of phosphorus, 4 grams of potassium and 1 gram of magnesium. At first, this kills the vegetation located below and around. It is possible that the reason for this - the toxicity of nitrogen or the antibiotics contained in the body, which secrete the larvae of insects into the soil, eating the corpse.

14. Bloating and not only.

Four days after death, the body begins to swell. This is due to the accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the destruction of internal organs. The latter does not happen only with the embalmed body. And now it will be a very unpleasant description. So, the swelling occurs first in the abdominal region, and then spreads to the entire body. Decomposition also discolours the skin, blisters appear on it. And out of all the natural holes in the body, a foul-smelling liquid begins to ooze. Moisture and heat accelerate this process.

15. We fertilize the earth.

As it decomposes, the body releases a variety of nutrients that are absorbed into the soil. You will not believe, but their increase can improve the ecosystem, in particular, will be an excellent fertilizer for a number of growing vegetation.

16. Hair and nails.

Probably, you have repeatedly heard that, supposedly, after death, hair and nails continue to grow. In fact, this is not so. It turns out that the skin loses moisture, exposing hair. And the length of the nails is usually measured from the tips to the place of their contact with the skin. So, with the retreat of the skin they seem longer, and it seems as if they are growing.

17. The stages of death.

Distinguish the following stages of death: pre-state (characterized by circulatory and breathing disorders), terminal pause (sudden stop of breathing, severe depression of heart activity, extinction of bioelectric activity of the brain, extinction of corneal and other reflexes), agony (the body begins to fight for life, short-term delay of breathing), clinical death (lasts 4-10 minutes), biological death (brain death occurs).

18. Cyanosis of the body.

It comes then, the blood stops circulating through the body. The size and color of such cadaveric spots depends on where and in what conditions the body is in. Under the influence of gravity, blood settles in the tissues. Thus, the lying body will have spots in the areas on which it rests.

19. Method of burial.

Someone sacrifices his body to science, someone wants to be cremated, mummified or buried in a coffin. And in Indonesia, babies are wrapped in cloth and placed in holes made in the trunks of living growing trees, which are then covered with doors of palm fibers and sealed. But that's not all. Every year, in August, there is a ritual called "Manene". The bodies of the dead kids are removed, washed and changed into new clothes. After this, the mummies "march" across the village, like zombies ... It is said that in this way the local population expresses their love to the deceased.

20. Hear after death.

Yes, yes, after death from all the senses the hearing is surrendered to the very last. And because often mourning the deceased loved ones pour out his soul in the hope that he will hear them.

21. Head cut off.

After truncation, the head is still conscious for 10 seconds. Although some doctors say: the reason that the severed head can blink is the coma into which the body empties. At the same time, all these blinkers and facial expressions are caused by a lack of oxygen.

22. Long-lived skin cells.

While loss of blood circulation can kill the brain in a matter of minutes, other cells do not need constant supply. Skin cells that live on the outer shell of our body can live for several days. They contact the external environment, and through osmosis from the air they will pull out everything they need.

23. Defecation.

Earlier it was mentioned that after death, the body relaxes, muscles lose tension. The same applies to the rectum, anus, resulting in defecation. It is triggered by gases that overfill the body. Now you understand why the deceased is done to wash.

24. Urination.

After the death, the deceased may also be described. After such a relaxation, the process of rigor mortis, described in point 2, is started.

25. 21 grams.

That's how much the human soul weighs. Its density is 177 times less than the density of air. This is not an invention, but a scientifically proven fact.