The Israeli diet

You do not like strict restrictions, do not crave fast and therefore unreliable results and be attentive to your body? In this case, the Israeli diet is for you!

Israeli diet - food system

It is designed in such a way that you will not feel hungry, and besides, there is almost no prohibitions. Its secret - in the correct combination of products, because of which the calorie reduction of the daily ration occurs.

Product compatibility

The combination of food in the Israeli diet is also prescribed strictly, as in the menu of separate meals - and, incidentally, has many similarities. The rules are quite simple:

  1. All types of meat, fish, poultry, as well as cheese and eggs should be eaten only with green vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bell pepper, leek, leaf fat, Pekinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, green beans, etc.) .
  2. All types of meat, fish and poultry, as well as cheeses and eggs are strictly forbidden to combine with milk, potatoes and any starchy foods, sour cream, any oils and citrus.
  3. Milk and fruit are incompatible products - they are eaten only separately, for example, for a mid-morning snack or a second breakfast.
  4. Sour-milk products and fruit juices are food in this case, therefore they require a separate meal.
  5. As in all diets, it is necessary to give the body plenty of water - simple, clean drinking water without gas.

This system of nutrition is very logical: often we pass only because to fatty meat we also take a heavy, hearty side dish, drink a glass of high-calorie juice, and sometimes also we savor dessert. Due to the fact that in this diet all this is given a new food intake (and the interval between meals is standard at least 2-3 hours) - the body will be much easier.

Sample menu for the day

On such an Israeli diet you can spend at least a lifetime - it is quite pleasant and balanced. Consider an approximate diet menu:

  1. Breakfast . Portion of porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, etc. of your choice), vegetable salad.
  2. Second breakfast . A glass of yogurt or fruit.
  3. Lunch . Vegetable salad + soup or a serving of meat / poultry / fish + vegetable garnish, tea.
  4. Snack . A serving of fruit or yogurt.
  5. Dinner . Fruit salad with nuts or a portion of cottage cheese with fruit. If you are hungry - you can eat a piece of fish with a garnish of fresh vegetables.

In some cases, in the morning, it is suggested to drink a spoonful of olive oil and a glass of kefir. If you do not eat up such a diet, you can afford it. Eating this way, you will slowly, gradually lose weight, and most importantly - the lost pounds will not return.

Such a diet is useful for cleansing the body, because if in the usual state we often overload the digestive organs with indigestible combinations, then in this case the organism works easily, without tension, why soon you will feel an unprecedented ease. If at first it seems that meals are not enough, then in the future the stomach will contract, and you will feel yourself easy and comfortable.

Israeli diet for biological clock

There is another kind of Israeli diet that gives hope to those who want eat as before, but at the same time lose weight. The experiments were carried out on rodents and gave excellent results.

The main secret of this diet - you need to eat strictly on the biological clock, from 10 to 17 hours. At this time, according to scientists, the body burns everything without a trace. Another secret of such a diet - between dinner and breakfast should take at least 12 hours.

This diet is seen as an opportunity to eat anything in the specified period of time, and at another time, for example, drink unsweetened tea or at least 1% kefir. Everyone who goes to work, it will be difficult to maintain such a schedule, because dinner usually falls at a later period.