Pink lichen in a child - is the disease dangerous, and how to treat it?

Immunity of babies is formed gradually, so they are prone to infections and allergic reactions, especially cutaneous. Pink lichen (Zhibera's disease) is one of the most common dermatological diseases, which is diagnosed before the age of 15. This is the easiest form in this group of pathologies, which rarely causes complications.

What is pink deprive?

The presented disease in medicine is called pitiasis. It refers to infectious-allergic erythema, so Zhibera's diarrhea in a child always indicates poorly functioning immunity. Pathology is diagnosed mainly in autumn and spring, when the body's defense system is weakened. Lisha Zhibera in children only occurs 1 time. After the transfer of the disease, stable immunity forms.

Is pink lichen contagious?

The described ailment is characterized by a patchy and extensive skin lesion, as in infectious dermatological diseases. For this reason, many parents are interested in whether pink lichen is contagious in children, especially if the child is attending a kindergarten or school. Pityaz is not transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person even in the acute phase and with close contact.

What is dangerous pink lichen?

Disease Zhibera does not cause serious complications and does not affect the overall health of the baby. The only thing that is dangerous for pink lichen for a person is the risk of appearance on the skin of areas with impaired pigmentation. They will not last a lifetime, they will just disappear very slowly. Pink lichen in a child - a signal about problems with immunity. It is necessary to take care of the normalization of its work, to fill the deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body.

Pink lichen in children - the causes of

The exact origin of the disease in question is not yet clear. There is an assumption that it is caused by herpes viruses of types 6 and 7, but this is not confirmed by clinical studies. Pink lichen in a child up to a year can occur during artificial feeding, especially if there has been a sharp change in the adapted mixture. The digestive system of the infant does not have time to reorganize to a new composition, and the work of immunity worsens. Other causes that can cause pink deprive in a small child:

Pink lichen in a child - symptoms

The first sign of pitiasis is the appearance on the body of one reddish patch with a diameter of 2 cm, it is called the maternal plaque. The way pink lichen in children looks like infectious skin diseases, so many parents mistakenly diagnose and begin treatment incorrectly. Gradually the maternal spot turns yellow in the center and slightly wrinkles, flakes off.

A few days after the formation of the largest plaque, the torso and the limbs of the child are covered with a rash. It has the appearance of small (up to 1 cm in diameter) oval pink spots. They clearly show how the pink lichen, a photo of children, presented below. As the pathology progresses, the plaques begin to turn yellow and flake, their boundaries are clearly delineated by a reddish rim free from scales. Closer to recovery, the spots get a normal shade of healthy skin.

Lisha Zhibera - symptoms that are rare:

Pink lichen in a child - treatment

The standard time of the course of the disease is from 4 to 8 weeks, very rarely it increases to six months. Treatment depriving Zhibera is reduced to proper hygienic care for the baby's skin and monitoring the progression of the pathology. In most cases, no special therapy is required, the body itself successfully copes with pitiasis. Than to treat a pink deprive at the child, the dermatologist should recommend. Attempts to eliminate the disease at home can lead to complications, especially when applying hormonal ointments and creams.

Drugs for the treatment of pink lichen in children

If the signs of the disease are limited only to spots on the skin, and the itching and other unpleasant sensations are absent, dermatologists do not recommend using any medications. Pink zoster Zhibera in children will gradually pass independently. The use of pharmacological agents will become an extra burden on the weakened organism. When pitiasis significantly worsens the overall well-being of the baby, the doctor will individually select the medicine.


Ointment from pink depriving children:

Solutions, suspensions for the treatment of plaques:


Pink lichen - folk methods of treatment

Alternative therapies are designed to soften the skin, eliminate dryness and peeling. These are not effective ways how to cure pink lichen in a child, but simply ancillary activities. Instead of pharmacy ointments and suspensions, you can treat stains with natural vegetable oils with antiseptic and moisturizing properties:

If pink lichen in a child causes mild itching, it is recommended to make compresses with herbal decoctions:

Lotion from pink lichen

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Pour the sorrel with boiling water.
  2. Insist 15 minutes.
  3. Strain, add the essential oil.
  4. Wet a cotton swab in the product.
  5. Gently treat the solution with all the stains.