What is atheroma?

Painless paints on the human skin are called atheromas. Most often, atheromas appear on the face, neck, back, chest, in the groin and on the scalp. Let's try to understand what an atheroma is, and what are the reasons for its formation.

Causes of atheroma

It is well known that in everyday life atheroma is called a zhirovik, and, in fact, this benign formation is a cyst, filled with the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The cause of atheroma is a blockage of the ducts of the glands, which occurred as a result of metabolic disorders in the body.

Predisposing factors for the formation of atheroma are:

Some experts believe that these data may be hereditary.

Symptoms of atheroma

Atheromas are formed in areas of the body where a lot of sebaceous glands are concentrated. Education has clear boundaries and can be of various sizes: from a pinhead to a hen's egg (in rare cases, the size of the atheroma may exceed the indicated dimensions). At palpation, the atheroma is soft, quite mobile. With a careful examination in the center of education, a clogged sebaceous duct can be seen, from which a fatty whitish mass with an unpleasant odor can sometimes be released.

Purulent atheroma

Atheroma is a cosmetic defect, the appearance of which causes psychological discomfort in its owner. Nevertheless, education in itself does not pose a threat to a person unless his suppuration occurs. Under the influence of the above-mentioned factors, and also when trying to get rid of atheroma by squeezing it out, getting pathogenic bacteria into the capsule can cause complications. Suppurated atheroma involves a subcutaneous abscess. The process corresponds to the following clinical signs:

We do not recommend calming yourself in case the suppuration has opened up itself. The fact is that the improvement of the general condition is observed only in the first hours after the outflow of purulent contents. After a while, a relapse begins: atheroma grows rapidly, and pus is formed more intensively. Timely therapy ensures a favorable outcome.

Running purulent atheroma is extremely dangerous: phlegmon (melting) of soft tissues can occur, when an inflamed education occurs on the face or head, an intracranial abscess is possible. The most dangerous complication is thrombosis of the venous sinus of the brain, which arises from the bursting of purulent atheroma and leads to death in 9 out of 10 cases.

It is recommended to avoid inflammation, and even more so if it occurs, to consult a dermatologist when a tumor appears. The doctor will take the appropriate measures: remove the atheroma or open the abscess. At insignificant displays the dermatologist will give recommendations how to eliminate an inflammation.

Attention! When there are signs of inflammation of atheroma, preventive measures should be taken:

  1. Do not sunbathe
  2. Avoid formation damage.

Unfortunately, in medical practice, cases of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant tumor are not uncommon.