How to store beans so that bugs do not start?

Thanks to its unique nutritional properties, beans quickly became a familiar phenomenon on tables around the globe. And although the birthplace of this plant is hot South America, even in the harsh Russian conditions to achieve a good harvest will not be almost no difficulty. But the right way to organize the storage of collected supplies is a task of a much higher order. On how to properly store beans at home, so that bugs do not start, we'll talk today.

How to store bean seeds in winter?

Full of nutrients bean beans are to the liking not only of representatives of the human race, but also a very voracious pest - bean seed. It creates its large colonies in the storage areas, making supplies unfit for consumption or for sowing. Therefore, in determining the beans for winter storage, the most important task is to cover the worm bugs with all the possibilities for reproduction. The easiest way to do this is to store beans at a negative temperature. So, at temperatures from 0 to +10 degrees, the bugs stop their reproduction, and at temperatures from 0 to -10 degrees - completely die.

Therefore, the harvested crop makes sense before the frosts are taken away to the vegetable box of the refrigerator, and then suspended in a canvas bag on a balcony or in a shed. In the event that this decision for some reason does not suit you, you can keep the beans in winter even in the conditions of an ordinary apartment. The following conditions must be met: humidity not more than 50% and tightly closed containers that do not allow air to pass through. In what container is better to store beans? Ideal for this are the usual glass jars with twisting lids, allowing at any time to notice the appearance inside intruders.

At the bottom of the cans it is recommended to pour a small amount of ash, and place a small head of garlic under the lid. If the beans are not planned to be planted, then the grains can be pre-calcined in the oven in order to guarantee the destruction of both adult pests and their larvae. For this, the grains are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet and allowed to stand for 5 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 90-100 degrees. A large amount of beans can be stored in baskets or cardboard boxes lined with newspapers. The substances included in the composition of the ink also become a deterrent for pests.