Speech development of children 3-4 years old

By the time the child is 3 years old, his speech development has undergone serious changes. Over the past time, the kid has accumulated a huge amount of knowledge about the people and objects around him, has gained practical experience of interaction with adults and has become much more independent than before.

A child older than 3 years actively expresses their own judgments and conclusions about various phenomena and objects, combines objects into groups, distinguishes differences and establishes the relationship between them. Despite the fact that the kid is already communicating well enough, all parents will certainly want to understand whether his speech is developing normally, and whether he is keeping up with his peers.

In this article, we will tell you what criteria are used to evaluate and diagnose speech development in children aged 3-4 years, and how the child should normally talk during this period.

Norms and features of speech development of children 3-4 years

A normally developing child by the time he is 3 years old must actively use at least 800-1000 words in his speech. In practice, the speech margin of most babies at this age is about 1500 words, but still there are minor deviations. By the end of this period, the number of words and terms used in the speech is, as a rule, more than 2000.

The child constantly uses all possible nouns, adjectives and verbs. In addition, in his speech increasingly appear different pronouns, adverbs and numerals. Gradually, the correctness of speech is improved from the point of view of grammar. The kid can easily use in the conversation phrases consisting of 3-4 or more words, in which the required cases and numbers are often used.

Meanwhile, the speech development of most children 3-4 years old is characterized by sound imperfection. In particular, babies often omit some consonant sounds or replace them with others, spewing and whistling, and also difficult to cope with such complex sounds as "p" or "l".

Nevertheless, we should not forget that the speech of preschool children in 3-4 years is in the stage of improvement, that's why most logopedic problems disappear on their own when a child reaches a certain age, depending on his individual characteristics.