The role of the family in the upbringing of the child

Everyone knows how important is the role of the family in the upbringing of the child and the formation of his personal qualities.

Basic aspects

It is worth noting that the influence of the family on the upbringing of the child can be positive or negative. Usually, parents already imagine what their children should be like and try to impose the desired behavior pattern, which leads to different restrictions. And for the successful education of the individual in the family, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Pay more attention to talking with children.
  2. To be interested in a daily life of the kid, to praise for successes and achievements, to help to understand the reason of failures.
  3. To direct in a correct channel for the decision of problems.
  4. Show the child that he is the same person, like his parents, to communicate with him on an equal footing.

Spiritual and moral education in the family is one of the most difficult problems. After all, the main aspects and principles may differ in different cultural communities and families. However, common to all must be compliance with the following conditions:

Basic styles of family education

There are several forms of upbringing in the family, the most common of which are listed below:

  1. Dictatorship or severe upbringing . As a result, the kid will grow either aggressive and with a low self-esteem , or weak and unable to make decisions on his own.
  2. Excessive custody or indulgence in everything . Unlike the first method of education, in such a family the child will be the main one. However, in this case, the children simply do not understand what is good, what is bad, what can be done and what is not.
  3. Independence and non-interference in development. This kind is often observed when parents are too busy with work or simply they do not want to spend time on the smallest member of the family. As a result, a person grows up unhappy and with a sense of loneliness.
  4. Cooperation or bilateral interaction . Currently, this is the most acceptable method. After all, education in a modern family should be a dialogue in which parents not only "dictate" their rules, but also listen to the needs and interests of children. In this case, adults are a model of imitation, and there is a clear understanding of the boundary between what is allowed and not. And most importantly, the child understands why one can not perform this or that action, and not blindly follows the invented rules and norms of behavior.