Diet with stomach ulcer

Diet in the stomach ulcer requires a fairly strict dietary restriction, which is usually difficult to sustain. However, if you do not stick to the necessary nutrition system, you can have all kinds of unpleasant health problems, the aggravation of which is still a mild option. The diet for gastritis and ulcer is somewhat different, and even if you know the basics of proper nutrition with gastritis, you still need to adjust them.

What kind of diet is necessary for a stomach ulcer?

Diet for patients with stomach ulcers is not a diet in the popular sense of the word. It is more correct to call it a food system, since it should be observed not for a short time, but always, daily throughout life.

Diet, caused by an ulcer, first of all prohibits absolutely all rough food and all fried foods (especially deep-fried). You will be surprised, but now fruits and vegetables are also not for you. Any products that contain connective tissue are also contraindicated to you - stiff meat, lard, peel of birds and fish. All lovers of smoked will have a hard time - for all such products - taboo!

Different seasonings are now also not recommended, especially if they have a strong taste - horseradish, vinegar, onion, garlic, pepper.

The taste of the New Year should now also change - you can not eat tangerines and other citrus fruits. At the expense of beverages - the use of alcohol, coffee, cocoa and any kind of carbonated drinks is strictly limited, even if it is mineral water.

The diet should be strictly observed for at least six months. In case your state of health is excellent and you feel that the food does not cause you any discomfort, after 2-4 months you will be able to feel the taste of vegetables and fresh fruits again in normal, not frayed form.

However, even if you can already eat everything you like without problems, this is not a reason to start eating anything. Unnecessarily hot and excessively cold food, as well as rough food, should remain forbidden to you, unless, of course, you want to exacerbate it. Gastric ulcer requires treatment, and a diet is a great way to support your body and help it cope with the ailment.

Diet with exacerbation of gastric ulcer

Diet in the aggravation of an ulcer - this is what usually willy-nilly adhere to everything, because the body extremely unpleasantly reacts to all other types of food. The food in this case becomes even milder.

About 10-15 days from the moment of the onset of exacerbation, it is necessary to eat exclusively liquid, jelly-like or jelly-like food. At this point, the blender or harvester will become your best friend and chief assistant in cooking.

Only after two weeks in this mode, you can finally return to a more pleasant meal: mashed potatoes, grated foods, semi-liquid soups. From this moment, you can add little to the diet low-fat cream, butter, milk, butter. Meat should enter the diet in a puree form, and vegetables - in the form of purees and soups. Tea and jelly are still allowed from drinks.

This diet can be adhered to not only in this case. The ideal diet after the operation associated with a stomach ulcer consists precisely of the same rubbed soups and crushed porridge.

Do not forget that during the period of exacerbation and the postoperative period, fractional nutrition is of special importance: one can not eat twice a day, but tightly: you need to choose 5-6 meals a day every 2.5-3 hours. To eat it is necessary in small portions - no more than would enter into your handful. And this is total for drinks and food!

If you adhere to bed rest, you will be much easier to recover, because the body will throw all the forces to restore the function of the stomach and will not be distracted by other activities.