Symptoms of pregnancy 1 week after conception

In most cases, a woman learns about the beginning of pregnancy only with the onset of a delay. It occurs approximately in 2 weeks from the moment of the sexual certificate or act. At the same time, many are interested in the question of whether there are any signs and symptoms of pregnancy that appear 1 week after the occurred conception. Let's try to understand this issue and name the most obvious ones.

What can indicate the onset of pregnancy in the short term?

First of all, it should be noted that the symptoms in the first week of pregnancy gestation are poorly expressed, and most expectant mothers may simply not pay attention to them, writing off everything on the approaching monthly.

If you specifically talk about the symptoms of pregnancy, which are already observed at 1 week of pregnancy, it is worth mentioning:

  1. Nervousness. This means different kinds of feelings and experiences that have no basis: resentment, discontent with their appearance. In general, they are very similar to premenstrual syndrome, which is observed in women every month.
  2. Increased appetite. Most women notice a sudden, sudden increase in appetite.
  3. Change in taste preferences . Often there is an appearance of aversion to previously loved dishes and products. A future mother wants something exotic and unusual.
  4. Appearance of nausea. It starts with a rather unpleasant sensations in the stomach in the morning, immediately after waking up. Then, after eating, there may be some nausea. All this may indicate a beginning toxicosis, the peak of which falls exactly in the middle of the first trimester.
  5. The increase in the number of urination can also be attributed to the symptoms of pregnancy, which appears in the early stages, already, literally, from 1 week. Often, future mothers, not yet knowing about their interesting situation, notice that after going to the toilet they have a feeling of incomplete emptiness of the bladder. Therefore, after a short time, the desire arises again.
  6. Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. It is worth noting that in individual women, almost immediately after conception begins to show the soreness of the breast. Moreover, it is much more pronounced than the pain that is observed in the second phase of the cycle every month.
  7. Soreness in the lower abdomen, associated with the beginning of hormonal changes. Intensity is very similar to the one that usually appears a few days before menstruation. However, when a pregnancy occurs, they do not disappear, and are observed right up until the very delay, when the woman appears and conducts a pregnancy test.

What else can indicate gestation on a short term?

Women who constantly monitor their basal temperature, in such cases, note an increase in its values. Usually this is 37.2-37.3 degrees. As is known, in the norm after passage of ovulation this indicator decreases and does not exceed 37. Therefore, the appearance on the thermometer of such values ​​may indirectly indicate the occurred conception.

In addition, some expectant mothers at 1 week there is an incomprehensible increase in body temperature. It is associated with a change in the rate of metabolic processes in the body and its reaction to a foreign body, which, in fact, is the fetal egg itself.

Some women may note that it throws them in the heat, then in the cold, which is caused by a violation of the process of thermoregulation as a result of the beginning of the restructuring of the hormonal system.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, there are a lot of symptoms that can be regarded as signs of the occurred conception. However, they can not be considered reliable. Therefore, 14 days after sexual intercourse, with a suspicion of pregnancy, it is best to do an express test.