World Diabetes Day

One of the most formidable diseases - diabetes mellitus - along with cancer and atherosclerosis often leads to disability and even death. And today the problem of diabetes is very acute: in the world there are about 350 million cases of the disease, but the true number of cases is much higher. And every year around the world the incidence increases by 5-7%. Such a steady increase in the incidence of diabetes indicates a non-infectious epidemic that has begun.

A distinctive feature of diabetes is a stable increase in the amount of glucose in the blood. This disease can occur in both the young man and the elderly, and it is not yet possible to cure him. A hereditary factor and excess weight of a person play a large role in the onset of this disease. Not the least role in the emergence of the disease is played by an unhealthy and inactive way of life.

There are two types of diabetes:

And more than 85% of people with diabetes are people with type 2 diabetes . In these people, insulin is produced in the body, therefore, observing a strict diet, leading a healthy, mobile lifestyle, patients for many years can maintain blood sugar levels within the norm. And, means, they will manage to avoid dangerous complications caused by a diabetes. It is known that 50% of diabetic patients die from complications, mainly cardiovascular diseases.

For years, people did not know how to deal with this disease, and the diagnosis - diabetes - was a death sentence. And at the beginning of the last century, a scientist from Canada, Frederick Bunting, invented an artificial hormone insulin: a drug that can keep diabetes under control. Since that time, it has become possible to prolong the life of many and many thousands of people with diabetes.

Why was the day of struggle against diabetes established?

In connection with a sharp increase in the incidence of diabetes worldwide, it was decided to establish a World Diabetes Day. And it was decided to celebrate it on the day when Frederick Bunting was born, on November 14.

The International Diabetes Federation initiated a large-scale social movement aimed at improving the provision of information to the public about diabetes, such as the causes, symptoms, complications and methods of treatment for adults and children. After that, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, according to which, due to the rapid increase in the incidence of diabetes, it was recognized as an extreme threat to all of humanity. World Diabetes Day was given a blue circle logo. This circle means the health and unity of all people, and its blue color is the color of the sky, under which all the peoples of the world can unite.

World Diabetes Day is celebrated today in many countries around the world. Every year the number of organizations and private individuals is growing, which are convinced of the need to combat this insidious disease.

Day of patients with diabetes mellitus is carried out under different slogans. So, the theme of these days in 2009-2013 was "Diabetes: education and prevention". At the events held on this day, the media are involved. In addition to disseminating information about diabetes among the population, scientific and practical seminars for medical workers are being held these days, which tell about the newest directions of treatment for such patients. For parents whose children are sick with diabetes, lectures are held where leading experts in the field of endocrinology talk about this disease, the possibility of preventing or slowing the development of the disease, the prevention of complications, answer the emerging questions.