Tongue twisters to improve diction

If you notice any defect in your speech, you must start fighting with this enemy. We recommend that you immediately begin to train the diction . The means for improving diction are, first of all, tongue twisters.

The tongue twisters for adult diction are rightly considered to be an ideal exercise for correcting speech defects and for improving diction, as well as other skills of oratory. Such exercises are popular with announcers, TV presenters, politicians and other public people. Tongues for speech diction help to fill gaps in pronunciation. A person understands how to pronounce sounds correctly, learns to breathe properly and develops the articulation of his speech.

The tongue twisters have their own classification, developed on the basis of various features: complexity or ease, intended for diction - long, or, conversely, short - the so-called popular tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters for speech diction

Before you begin to study, you should familiarize yourself with theoretical skills. It is very important to train speech in stages. First, slowly and clearly read the tongue twister by syllables, carefully pronouncing each, then gradually increase the speed of pronunciation, while carefully watching your articulation, as well as diction.

Be sure to pick up tongue twisters that are right for you. For this, be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the phonetics of your diction. Naturally, you need to choose such tongue twisters in which there are sounds and syllables, sound combinations that cause difficulties in pronunciation. Prepare for your first workout a few tongue twisters, three will be enough. But by the end of your lesson you have to be sure that the chosen tongue twisters have been fulfilled 100%. Gradually increase the load. There are even texts that consist entirely of tongue twisters. When you read them confidently, without hesitation, pronouncing correctly all the sound combinations, then you will realize that you have coped with the goal set for yourself - improving the diction.

Tongue twisters for adult diction

These tongue twisters can also be practiced with children, if they learn how to pronounce adults.

  1. Kosovars from Kosovo boiled coconut juice in snacks.
  2. Peasants with flounces, with volhynami otlynivali from the catch and stitched catch.
  3. Lucky Sanka Senka and Sonka on the sled. Suddenly snowdrift, sledge skok, Senka from the feet, Sanka skok, Sonka in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
  4. Reported, but did not doraportoval, doraportovyval, yes zaportovalsya.
  5. Carl from Clara stole the coral, Clara from Carl stole the clarinet.

This tongue twister is considered a counting game before the game, but it perfectly fulfills the functions of patter:

Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yak Tsidrok and Yak Tsidrok Tsidron.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypy Drypy, Tsyp Dryp Limpopone.

Here they were married: Yak on Tsype, Yak Tsidrok on Tsype Drype, Yak Tsidrok Tsidron on Tsype Drype Limpopone.

Here they were born children: Yak and Tsypoy - Shah, u Yak Zidroka with Tsypy Drypoy - Shah Sharakh, at Yak Cedrok Tsidron with Tsypy Drypoy Limpopone - Shah Sharakh Sharon.

By the way, if you relax in the circle of cheerful friends, you can combine business with pleasure, and hold a competition for the title of "best speaker". These tongue twisters are not recommended to be spoken in the surroundings of children, so they will be very helpful at a party for adults.

  1. Near the pits there is a hill with kulis, I will go out on a hill - I'll fix it.
  2. I'm going down the potholes - from the pothole to the pothole. I will not leave the potholes in any way.
  3. Macho on the ranch in the poncho eats lecho and harcho.
  4. Where is cocoa? What kind of cocoa? Like what cocoa? Cocoa is like cocoa!