Who is an introvert - the features of character and temperament

We are all different, but psychology claims that humanity is divided into two types according to personality traits: extroverts and introverts. The first type unites people open to communication, energetic, friendly, active and ready to take part in resolving issues of public life. As for the second type - introvert, everything here is much more complicated.

Who is an introvert person?

The life position of people of this type is radically different from talkative and outgoing extroverts. They are more closed, so they are largely inclined to introspection. Big noisy companies do not attract them, they do not have irrepressible fun, but this does not mean that they are not solicitous and taciturn. In psychology, there are signs of an introvert, according to which it can be distinguished from the opposite type of personality. They are characterized by:

Types of introverts

The complexity of introverts is confirmed by their distinctive features even within their community. Psychologists divide them into two large groups: sensory and intuitive. Sensory features higher requirements for clarity and accuracy not only in work, but also in relationships. They are responsible and bring the task to the end, if they have clear instructions.

Intuitive - on the contrary, they do not want to understand small things, believing that it is boring and uninteresting. They can think a lot, dream, but practically do nothing to realize their dreams. They can do several things at the same time, without completing one thing. If it concerns the choice of a profession, they can endlessly take one for one, then another, choosing a worthy one.

In turn, the classification of this type of people includes kinds of introverts, descriptions of which give a more complete picture of them. The well-known psychologist and psychiatrist Karl Young singled out eight such species, but today a more general classification is used. It united people with similar characteristics of character traits, which are divided into four main ones:

Intuitive-logical introvert

Such people are often called gloomy realists. Their sad forecasts, as a rule, for some reason have a property come true. This is a pronounced rationalist: he is distinguished by the logic of actions, punctuality, conscientiousness. His plans are clear, but he realizes them without haste, as if verifying every step. An intuitive introvert is not a leader, but a responsible follower.

He is often disliked in the team for being excessively picky and demanding. However, he knows how to accurately calculate the advantages of a particular situation and can always find the right way out of a difficult situation. Outwardly they seem cold and detached. To say compliments, flatter, praise someone - not in his rules. Likes to read and reflect.

Logical-sensory introvert

This type of introvert painfully reacts to the invasion of his world, does not recognize pretense, controversy in conversations and relationships. At the same time, he is responsive and ready to always come to the rescue; this is one of the most faithful comrades. He does not like noisy companies, but he can not be called a recluse and unsociable. He enjoys a leisurely conversation, communication with people pleasant to him.

Logic-Sensor introvert rational has the ability to adapt to the surrounding reality, rules, requirements and canons of the environment - it allows him to live in his world, not "falling out" of the community in which he has to be. Very vulnerable and sensitive, but he knows how to hide from others. Its logic and rationality are manifested in various situations:

Ethical-intuitive introvert

People of this type are characterized by excessive gullibility. They believe that people are decent and honest, are magnanimous and are ready to forgive anyone who has acknowledged his mistakes and repents. They accurately determine the character and mood of strangers, but they do not know much about those who are close to them, believing that they can only be surrounded by decent, cordial people.

Ethical intuitive introvert rational can give a good advice, relating to interpersonal relationships, easily orientated in difficult life situations. He has a craving for a new and unusual; self-education, the desire for knowledge - his usual state, and often immersion in the study of philosophical theories and religious postulates.

It is characterized by tremendous restraint and the ability to concentrate in difficult situations, suppressing the excitement and fear that may appear after the problem is solved. Particularly sympathetic to people with leadership qualities that inspire and push him to action, while not tolerating rudeness and coercion. In such situations it can become irritable and quick-tempered.

Ethical-sensory introvert

The fourth type of personality is a sensory-ethical introvert, who is well versed in people and understands "who than breathes." You can not ask for it, make an appointment with friends: he decides who is his "own" and who is "a stranger". With people he is cautious and does not open his soul to the first comer, but with those who become his friends, he will be honest, caring and attentive. It's difficult to communicate with him: it's hard to convince him, he gives enough compromises.

It is an exceptionally sensible person who is able to analyze the situation and make a measured decision that fully corresponds to the true state of affairs. Can accept the requirements and conditions of the society in which he is, wanting to rid himself of unnecessary problems. Does not like big noisy companies, large-scale events. He enjoys rare, noiseless encounters, but irritates frequent contacts even with well-known people.

Unlike other types, the sensory-ethical introvert does not like the slow flow of events, long decisions. The state of anxiety for him is characteristic, at the same time he remembers his own failures, shortcomings and mistakes and draws lessons from them. It is almost impossible to take him by surprise: he is always ready for any turn of events. However, if this happens, it painfully experiences its own mistakes and failures.

Advantages of Introverts

Despite the apparent problems, introverts have a number of valuable qualities that make them indispensable in the service. The main thing is the ability to carry out the business to the end, following the instructions. At the same time, work is carried out in a high-quality and timely manner. In addition, it is possible to single out other advantages of the introvert:

Disadvantages of introverts

All the advantages mentioned above make such people irreplaceable in carrying out work that requires attention and responsibility. However, they also have shortcomings, which prevent not only communication with them, but often - and themselves:

How to become an introvert?

It is often asked whether it is possible to become an introvert. Psychologists say that it is almost impossible to change the temperament of a person, but to check whether a change of character is possible for introversion is not difficult. To do this, you should experiment and test yourself, creating situations that are close to those in which introverts are usually found, for example:

How to communicate with the introvert?

If you establish the right relationship with the introvert, you can get a reliable friend and a responsible bona fide worker, but you must take into account the nuances of communicating with him:

Why is it difficult to communicate with introverts?

The answer to this question lies in the peculiarities of perception of the world by these people. If he has to communicate with an extrovert, it will be especially difficult. The main reason for the difficulty of communicating with him is connected with the fact that the nature of the introvert is adjusted to selective communication and one's own inner world . He is slow and demanding, a little sociable and taciturn.

Whom to work introvertu?

Given the complexity of the character, there is work on which such people will be truly indispensable. The most suitable professions for introverts: accountant, laboratory assistant, designer, writer, translator, veterinarian, programmer and supervisor. In this case, the leader-introvert by the majority is recognized as the most effective, able to organize a clear work of the team.