How to keep a newborn baby?

Well, at last you have passed all the tests of pregnancy and childbirth, now the smallest and most important member of the family has appeared at home. All grandmothers and grandfathers are smiling sweetly, babbling to the crumbs, but few people are being solved, simply not knowing how to keep the newborn. By the way, not all maternity hospitals tell mom how to properly keep a newborn, how to take it and how to put it.

How can you keep a newborn?

The most important rule: take the baby as convenient, but to the crumb just did not fall and hit, you need a good

Modern children under the rhythm of life do not want to lie down and prefer to be worn vertically, especially from 3-4 months. Here are a few ways how you can vertically keep a newborn:

  1. Vertically on the shoulder. This method is also called "keep the newborn in a column". It's right to do this: the head is supported by the hand of the mother and placed on her shoulder, the second hand supports the back and the baby's bottom.
  2. On the thigh. Take the child's hand under the breast and, as it were, sit him on the thigh, while tilting the torso slightly forward. Thus, keeping a newborn is quite acceptable, since there is no load on the spine, and all weight falls on your hand.
  3. Many babies prefer to observe their surroundings. How to properly hold the newborn back to yourself: take one hand with the crumbs behind the chest, press firmly with your back with yourself, and the second grab one hip. Take care that the weight does not fall on the arm with the hip, it is harmful to the spine of the baby. You can simply take the legs of the crumbs by the feet and pull them to the tummy, it's also useful for the pelvic joints.

How to keep a newborn after feeding?

There are many ways how to properly hold a newborn baby in this case, both vertically, and horizontally. Very often, moms can not choose the right posture for breastfeeding and do not know how to keep a newborn baby at all when feeding. You can feed the crumb both sitting and lying, the main thing is that the crumb would grab not only the nipple, but also the nipple circle. After feeding, you need to take the crumb with a column, so you will get excess milk and swallowed air, this will prevent pain in the tummy of the crumb. Do not be shy in the maternity home in detail to ask the medical staff about the smallest little things, because there will be no one to help at home, and sometimes grandmothers are afraid to make the crumb hurt.

How to keep a newborn baby wet?

In the maternity hospital, nurses are required to show their mother not only how to feed and keep the newborn with a pillar, but also how to properly wash the baby. If you want to wash the baby over the sink, put the baby on your left arm (for right-handed people) and fix the shoulder joint between the index and middle fingers of the shoulder, holding the buttocks to the water stream and wash from front to back, preventing intestinal microflora from entering the genitals. After the procedure, pat dry gently, but in no case do not rub the skin.