Protest action: actresses opposed discrimination on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival

The long-awaited premiere of the French director Eva Hasson "The Girls of the Sun" ended with a loud event. It's not the stunning and expensive outfits, not the acute-social plot of the picture that claims to be the "Golden Palm Branch" and not the participation during the filming of the representatives of Georgia, France and Belgium - the reason for the organized protest against the discrimination of women in the film industry. The action turned right on the carpet path of the film festival and chained the views of all present guests and journalists.

About the premiere will speak for a long time, analyzing what has been said and assessing each invited person.

After the traditional photocall, representatives of the film industry, actresses and directors, climbed the steps and formed a harmonious series. 82 women took part in the action, including Marion Cotillard, Cate Blanchett, Claudia Cardinale, Kristen Stewart, Salma Hayek and many other eminent ladies.

Such a number of stars was not accidental and deeply symbolic. The fact is that for the entire history of the Cannes Film Festival, only 82 women were admitted and were able to present their work. For comparison, the directors of the man showed 1688 paintings, which is 20 times more! It is difficult to say what is the reason for such a huge difference, the lack of quality work or conscious lobbing of someone's interests, but the result of counting is impressive!

Sofia Butela, Salma Hayek, Patty Jenkins, Claudia Cardinale

Two people took the floor: Cate Blanchett, as well as the French scriptwriter and director Agnes Varda. The main message of the action was to protect and support women's rights in the film industry:

"Women do not represent a minority in the world, but looking at the film industry creates the opposite impression. Each of us, standing now on the stairs, is filled with determination and desire to change the existing order. We have a common problem, we have encountered infringement of our legal rights! We are ready to talk, among us writers, producers, actresses, editors and screenwriters, directors, sales representatives and agents, and many others who are not afraid of the complexities and are connected with the cinema! "
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The speech was greeted with applause and support of all invited guests.

Haifa Al-Mansor, Kristen Stewart, Leah Seydou, Hadia Nin, Ava Duverney, Keith Blanchett, Agnes Warda