Ginger root - contraindications

Spicy smell, and warming up fresh taste has this product. It is used as a seasoning for many exotic dishes, a basis for drinks, as well as a remedy. But it is not always possible to apply the root of ginger - contraindications for this seemingly innocuous natural remedy are quite serious.

Is the root of ginger useful?

In fact, the product in question has a mass of positive effects:

In addition, tincture from the root of ginger serves as an excellent prophylaxis of diseases of the digestive system, prevents diseases of the oral cavity.

Ginger root - properties and contraindications

The listed effects of the product can cause in the body and negative consequences.

The main property of the root of ginger is stimulation: circulation, gastric secretion, bile. As a result, there is an increase in body temperature and blood pressure, intestinal motility is increased, cellular mechanisms are activated. Such processes adversely affect the body in the presence of such diseases:

It should be remembered that during pregnancy, the root of ginger is advisable to take only at the very beginning of the term for the elimination of symptoms of toxicosis. After the first trimester, the product is contraindicated, because it stimulates muscle activity, respectively, burns cause a sharp contraction of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage .

Ginger root - contraindications in oncology

It is important to note that the described agent has a stimulating effect not only on healthy cells, but also on pathological ones. Therefore, the intake of ginger root in any form in the presence of benign or malignant tumors will lead to an aggravation of the disease. Cells of the neoplasm will begin to quickly divide, which will provoke intensive growth and progression of the cancer. In some cases - even metastases.

Ginger root - harm and side effects

In the absence of contraindications, you still need to pay attention to the possible consequences of using the product:

Given the above facts, do not take ginger in parallel with drugs. In no case should you use the product on an empty stomach, even if everything is ok with digestion.