Caloric content of fresh cherries

It is unlikely that there will be those who do not want to pamper themselves with sweet cherries in the summer. These berries are not only very tasty, but also useful. Therefore, this season, make sure to use the opportunity to eat cherries and with its help to strengthen their health before the rainy autumn and cold winter.

Choice of sweet cherry

There are a variety of varieties of this berry, which differ in color, size and taste. However, one can safely say: the darker the sweet cherry, the more useful substances it contains. Also, when buying, pay attention to the peduncle - it should be dark, slightly dry, as this indicates the ripeness of the sweet cherry.

Caloric content and benefits of sweet cherry

  1. Dark berries contain a maximum of vitamins, among which are retinoids, ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, as well as B vitamins. Therefore, using cherries will help improve eyesight, skin and hair condition, strengthen vessels and nervous system.
  2. Cherry is also very rich in mineral substances: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. So lovers of this delicious berry are unlikely to suffer from anemia, poor performance or violations in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. In a large number of cherries contains fiber, so it produces an easy laxative effect. Due to the cleansing of the intestine, the microflora is normalized, and digestion is greatly improved.
  4. There are good news for those who lose weight. Calorie sweetness is fresh compared to some other berries or fruits, it is considered quite low. So, in a hundred grams of berries contains about 52 calories.
  5. A special, slightly sour and slightly tart taste is cherry white, the calorie content of which is about the same.
  6. It is believed that the sweet cherry has the ability to relieve pain when conventional analgesics are ineffective. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly use for arthritis, gout and rheumatism.
  7. Ripe berries contain a special substance - coumarin. It normalizes blood coagulability, slows the growth of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots. In this regard, cherry will be useful for the elderly, people with high blood cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis.
  8. Cherry is also extremely useful for children and pregnant women, because the set of vitamins and minerals contained in it is optimal for a growing organism.

Of course, these sweet berries have such a pleasant sweet taste for a reason. They have quite a lot of glucose and fructose - "fast" carbohydrates. By the way, there are less of them in the cherry, but the taste of this berry is more sour. Therefore, the fresh cherries acquire fresh calorie just due to the presence of simple carbohydrates , which are quickly processed and tend to be deposited in the form of fat stores. In this regard, be careful - regularly eaten after dinner or at night a large bowl of cherry can not be the best way to affect your figure. This applies to berries such as yellow cherry, since its caloric content is the same as that of red.

However, to refuse from the use of these berries is not worth it. Misochku cherries can be afforded as a snack or a light dessert. It will help to suppress hunger, as a large amount of fiber will give a feeling of satiety for a while. In these berries there are few organic acids, so they do not irritate the stomach, and they can be safely consumed by people who have gastritis with high acidity or peptic ulcer. They can also be used for cooking compotes or fruit drinks, preparing low-calorie jams and juices. Red berries are suitable for freezing or drying, but the calorie content of the sweet cherry remains roughly the same - 52 calories per hundred grams. Just remember that under the influence of low or high temperatures some vitamins and other useful substances are destroyed.