The media claim: Paltrow and Felchak are engaged!

British journalists from portal, the other day said that Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow and her beloved producer Brad Falchak finally decided to make their relationship more "official"!

No, no, there was not a secret wedding yet, but the long-awaited engagement, apparently, has already happened.

One of the few common photos of the couple

Ring with a huge stone

The other day the couple came to a private party, which was arranged by Jay Z. Gwyneth introduced Brad as her fiance and "lighted" the ring with an impressive diamond.

What other proofs are needed? About this online publication told a certain insider. According to the person present at the party, Gwyneth looked loving and happy.

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I'll have to take my word for it. Due to the fact that the event was only for their own, photos with guests, unfortunately, no.