Diet on fat for weight loss

Salo is not only a delicious, but also a useful product, to which many are wary. And in vain, because there is a diet for fat for weight loss, the founder of which is the Polish doctor Ya. Kvasnevsky.

The use of diet on fat

Pork fat is rich in unsaturated acids (40%), selenium, and arachidonic acid and it does not affect the formation of cellulite. Diet on pork fat not only helps to lose weight, but also to remove toxins from the body, increase immunity , normalize the hormonal background and get rid of harmful cholesterol.

Diet on fat for every day helps to lose weight, thanks to the fact that the use of this product contributes to satiety, which means that the nervous system will not suffer from a constant feeling of hunger.

The human brain is 60% fat, and therefore fats of animal origin are very important to include in the diet. In addition, animal fat has a lower calorie content than vegetable fat and is more easily absorbed by the body. Having eaten on this diet for breakfast a slice of black bread and fat, the gall bladder and pancreas will work better, and the toxins accumulated overnight will be released from the body.

Eating with a diet on fat

The exact diet for a day with a diet on fat does not exist. Polish doctor Ya. Kwasniewski recommends daily intake of up to 7 eggs, meat and fat in any form, fatty cream, homemade thick cream, milk with high fat content.

It is a mistake to believe that diet on fat for weight loss, the menu of which you can make yourself, is an easy way to get rid of excess weight . Eating only fatty food is difficult. Do not think that all this fatty diet is so easy to follow. The body will require a vegetable salad or some garnish, but, unfortunately, on this diet, eating foods rich in fiber is strictly prohibited. As an exception, Dr. Kvasnevsky allows to include pasta, bread and potatoes in the diet. But only very rarely and in small quantities.

To adhere to a diet on fat can be long enough, most importantly, in 3-4 days, the desire to lose weight is not lost, using such fatty foods. It is difficult to say how many kilograms you can throw off on this newfangled diet. Here the main thing is not only food, but also sports, a healthy sleep and, of course, a positive attitude.

Do not forget that food should not only be fun, but also not adversely affect your health. Therefore, before you go on a diet on fat, you should consult a doctor.