The child wakes up at night every hour

Poor sleep in a baby is a fairly common phenomenon, both in newborns and in older children. Most often, the reasons that a child wakes up at night every hour are physiological ailments, lack of nutrition and discomfort during sleep, created artificially. For the latter reason, you can include stuffy, hot or, conversely, a cold atmosphere in the children's room, uncomfortable clothes or diapers. All this can influence why the child wakes up at night every hour, both as a month old and as a one-year-old.

Poor sleep in newborns

The most common reason for a baby to wake up at night every hour may be gastrointestinal colic. This phenomenon occurs in 95% of newborns and is the norm. It is manifested by crying, tense tummy and, as a rule, bent legs, pulled to the navel. Special treatment is not required for the baby, but the use of drugs that reduce bloating and cramping associated with this, for example, "Dill Vodicka", "Bebinos", etc., is possible.

In addition, the reason why a child wakes up at night every hour and cries is that he is hungry. To understand this, it's enough to take the baby in your arms and see that the baby is looking for the breast or bottle with the mouth with the mixture.

Poor sleep in children from 3 months to 1 year

In the first place in children of this age are malaises from teething. And to determine in advance the time of their appearance is unlikely to succeed: someone they appear in three months, and someone at seven. If a child wakes up at night every hour, cried, has salivary saliva, inflamed gums and poor appetite, then help him with pain-relieving drugs that are prescribed to crumbs during teething, for example, "Dentol", "Dentokind", etc., e.

In addition, do not forget that if the baby is hungry, then he can wake up moms and dads, as in 4 months, and at any other age. This is especially true for five-month-olds, who are breast-feeding. During this period milk can already be missed, therefore it is recommended that mothers consult a pediatrician about introducing a mixture into the baby's diet.

Bad sleep in children from one year to two

At the age of this age, some idea of ​​the world in which they live, the mode of the day, etc., has already been formed. Any fear or stress, whether it was a quarrel with a crumb or going to a hospital, moving - all this can lead to a restless night for the baby.

In addition, do not forget that if a child wakes up every night at night for no apparent reason or for a long time, then it is necessary to show it to the pediatrician and neurologist. Perhaps, this state is followed by a psychoemotional problem or physical ailments.

So, what to do if a child wakes up every hour at night - first of all, pay attention to comfort during sleep, baby nutrition during the day and his emotional state. As for physiological processes, such as teething or gastrointestinal colic, here parents can be advised to have patience and wait for their completion.