Essential oils for colds

Many people know about the benefits of essential oils. Well-known are the facts that oils can be added to face masks, hair. But the fact that essential oils are good for a cold, they know not all. In fact, aromatherapy helps to get rid of viral colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases much more effective than expensive medications.

A mixture of essential oils from colds

All the methods of treating colds with the help of essential oils (and there are very many of them) have one huge advantage - they do not harm the body. Aromatic oils are a natural product, and therefore they are treated with a safe natural effect.

Essential oils - one of the most pleasant means for treating colds. Fragrant aroma is successfully combined with a mass of useful properties. The most effective essential oils against colds are the following:

1. Possess powerful anti-inflammatory oil effect:

2. With increased temperature help to cope with oils:

3. To overcome the virus in ARVI will help such essential oils:

4. They are considered to be excellent oil antiseptics:

5. And to strengthen immunity and in general to support the weakened by the disease organism such essential oils will help:

With a cold, essential oils can be used alone or in a complex. Finished aromatic mixtures are sold at the pharmacy, but if desired, they can be cooked on their own.

Methods of using essential oils against colds

You can use essential oils in different ways.

A few drops of flavor oil can be added to the bath. If you need to overcome a cold, the water temperature should be as high as possible (forty and above degrees). With the help of oils you can also bring down the heat. In this case, the temperature of the water in the bath should not exceed 37 degrees.

One of the most effective means for colds is inhalation with essential oils. To several drops of oil, salt, soda or honey is added. Inhalation must be carried out on hot water. The duration of one such procedure is not more than ten minutes.

At the initial stages of the disease, the massages with essential oils, compresses, help to withstand colds. If there is no time or desire to do a complex procedure, you can just rub aromatic droplets on the skin.

Support the immune system and contribute to fighting the body with diseases very effectively help the aromatic lamps. Oils can be added to water for washing floors. It is very useful to spray the liquid with a few drops of aromatic oils around the apartment.

Sometimes essential oils are consumed inside. A few drops of oil can be added to wine, tea, honey. The main thing is not to overdo it (the maximum dose is three to four drops at a time) and do not take the medicine on an empty stomach. To get the maximum effect from such treatment, you need to take essential oils for two to three weeks.

All of the above methods of treatment with essential oils are suitable for the prevention of colds. Aromatherapy will help create a cozy and healthy atmosphere at home. Although the oils are considered completely harmless, before the start of treatment there will be no need for consultation with a specialist.