Ureaplasma in women - the norm

According to the generally accepted medical norms, ureaplasma in women is classified as a conditionally pathogenic microflora. In the absence of any clinical manifestations associated with this infection, and ureaplasma indices not exceeding the norm, mandatory antibiotic therapy is not performed.

What is the norm of ureaplasma in women?

Quantitative determination of the norm of ureaplasma is best carried out in combination with a bacterial smear and PCR. Therefore, it is more than not reasonable to refer to one source entirely, due to the high probability of inaccuracy associated with improper collection of biological material, transportation, preparation for analysis, and other human factors.

It is normal if the Ureaplasma value of Urealiticum does not exceed a value of 10 in the fourth degree per one milliliter of the test material. However, there is an opinion that evaluating such criteria for normal ureaplasma parameters should be ambiguous, since it is not possible to determine the exact number of bacteria in the body and their norm.

According to the latest data, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment in the following cases:

Norm of ureaplasma in pregnancy

A separate topic for discussion is ureaplasma during pregnancy . Scientists have not yet definitively proven the effect of this infection on the course and outcome of pregnancy. But according to statistics, in women in the position the quantitative value of ureaplasmosis often exceeds the norm. And since it is impossible to discount the possible risk of premature birth, the passage of amniotic fluid and infection of the fetus, it will be much better if treated with ureaplasma before pregnancy.

That is why, women who are planning pregnancy doctors strongly recommend to determine whether the value of ureaplasma exceeds the uralitalikum normal. And in cases when the ureaplasma in the smear was far beyond the norm, to undergo antibiotic treatment course without fail. Such foresight will help you to avoid unnecessary worries about not only your health, but also the future baby. Since when passing through the birth canal a child can be infected with ureaplasma, which in the future can negatively affect his health.