Cyanosis blue - application

As you know, medicinal plants have a wide range of useful and medicinal properties, they are able to cure several different diseases at once. One of these universal herbs is blue blue - the application covers the neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and even gynecological area.

Application of grass blue cyanosis

The greatest amount of useful substances (saponins, essential oils, vitamins, glycosides, alkaloids, microelements) is contained in the rhizomes and leaves of the plant. It is these parts of the cyanosis that are used in folk medicine for the preparation of broths and infusions.

Preparations made from the plant in question have an expectorant and calming, sedative effect, reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, blood pressure. Also blue cyanosis helps to normalize metabolism and metabolism, including - cholesterol , the formula of blood, its ability to clot. Moreover, medicines containing grass stop the progression of arteriosclerosis of the blood vessels, inflammatory processes, relieve pain in the chest, destroy colonies of fungi of the genus Candida (thrush).

Tincture of blue cyanosis leaves

It is worth noting that the described part of the grass is rarely used, since most of the active ingredients are contained in the roots.

In folk medicine, the following effective recipe is recommended:

  1. In a glass of water with a temperature of 90-95%, boil 2 tablespoons of dry raw material.
  2. When the entire volume of liquid is reduced to a third of its original amount, cover the dishes with a lid and turn off the fire.
  3. Insist for 2 hours.
  4. Strain the remedy, drink three times a day for 15 drops.

The proposed medicine helps with cardiovascular diseases, nervous excitement, irritability, pain syndromes.

Application of the Cyanha root

From the rhizomes get a very effective broth for colds, coughs, bronchitis and inflammation of the respiratory system:

  1. Grind the dry roots of the plant (not into powder).
  2. Incomplete cup of boiling water (200 ml) mixed with 2 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials.
  3. Hold the solution for 15 minutes in a water bath.
  4. Insist for 60 minutes under a closed lid.
  5. Strain the liquid, add the boiled hot water to the original volume.
  6. Drink 3 times a day, 15 ml, immediately after eating.

Alcohol tincture in cardiovascular pathologies and diseases of the nervous system:

  1. About 10 g of powder from the roots of the cyanosis insist in a glass of alcohol (70%) for 2 weeks.
  2. Every 1-2 days, shake the container with a solution.
  3. Strain the tincture, take exactly 15 drops, thrice in 24 hours.