Jaundice - medicinal properties and contraindications to herbs in the form of decoctions and tinctures

Among the many medicinal herbs, gray jaundice is clearly visible, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been of constant interest for many years. This amazing plant can be both useful and deadly.

Where does the jaundice grow?

The two-year-old plant belongs to the cruciferous family, in the first year it is occupied by the appearance of leaves, and the next year - by knocking out arrows with flowers. The height is 30-80 cm, bloom falls at the end of spring-early summer. Where the jaundice gray grows hard to say, because of the useful components of its widespread cultivation. In the wild, it occurs in the Crimea, Central Asia, the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus. The properties of the jaundice grass have led to its artificial cultivation in the Krasnodar Territory and Ukraine.

Grass jeladon - medicinal properties

The boundaries of drug use of icteric, therapeutic properties and contraindications are determined by its chemical composition, in which the cardiac glycosides occupy a key position. In seeds there are also acids:

These components give vegetable raw materials important abilities:

Such a wide range opens up many opportunities for assistance with various violations. Yellow jel-echelon is used for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases, skin lesions. It is important to understand that it is suitable for supporting basic therapy. Serious diseases require more powerful effects, which no broths and infusions can not provide. Too high concentration will lead to negative consequences.

Yellow jelly - indications for use

Healing plant has long been considered a good tool for supporting cardiac function, therefore treatment with icteric is prescribed with the following ailments:

With regular use of jaundice gray is capable of:

Jaundice - contraindications

Regardless of the form of administration, the jaundice grass can be used for a long time. This is due to the lack of a cumulative effect, so the addiction does not develop. But before using it is required to find out what jaundice has medicinal properties and contraindications. It is especially important to pay attention to the last point, which is often overlooked. Use of preparations containing this plant is not possible with:

Due to the high biological activity, it is necessary to use a jaundice, the medicinal properties of which can help with the existing disease, only under the supervision of a doctor. Exceeding the dosage can lead to a sharp drop in pressure and arrhythmia. The first signs of an excess of the substance in the blood are:

Zheltushnik - recipes

Extract of the plant is part of some drugs, but if the doctor recommended the jaundice gray, the application may imply and self-preparation. Therefore, the features of reception should be clarified. If we talk about home compositions, then common:

Yellow jelly from pressure

In this case, the infusion is effective for 2 months.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation, application

  1. To prepare the herb of yellow jaundice, it is poured with boiling water and insisted for two hours.
  2. After this, the composition is filtered and sent to storage in a refrigerator.
  3. It is necessary to drink a glass of the drug in three divided doses per day.
  4. It is better to cook every day a new broth to get the most benefit.

Grass jel-queen for weight loss

In addition to serious diseases, the plant jaundice can be included in the course of weight normalization with its excess. This is explained by the following abilities of the grass:

A jel-eater, the application of which is aimed at reducing weight, should be in powder form.

  1. Three times a day for 20 minutes before meals you need to take 0.1 g of powder.
  2. The dose can be increased, but it should not be more than 0.5 grams per day. Possible loss of up to 4 kg.
  3. Between courses it is recommended to take a break in 15 days with the exception of alcohol, fatty and fried foods.
  4. To prevent obesity, you can use 0.1 g of powder daily.