Veroshpiron analogues

Veroshpiron - a diuretic drug that inhibits the withdrawal of potassium from the body. Also, the principle of its work is directed to counteract the hormone aldosterone. The active substance of this medication is spironolactone, which:

When do they use Veroshpiron?

The drug is prescribed for such diagnoses:

Viroshpiron can also be used for the prevention of kidney disease and in cases when diuretics are used during the treatment of this organ, which wash out magnesium and potassium, to prevent this process and to increase their effectiveness.

How to replace Veroshpiron?

In cases where there is no opportunity to buy Veroshpiron, or there is intolerance to its components, or treatment with this drug did not give the desired result, you can use its analogs:

In all these medicines, the main component is spironolactone. But, despite this, you can replace Veroshpiron with the analogues proposed only after consulting with the attending physician and in the absence of contraindications to them. And also it should be remembered that the necessary effect of using Veroshpiron comes only 5 days after the start of its use. Therefore, first you should drink the entire course, appointed by a specialist, and only then talk about the need to replace it.

Veroshpiron and its analogs should be taken according to the instructions, as a violation of dosage and the presence of contraindications, can lead to an overdose and the development of various side effects: