Therapeutic properties of chicory

There are a variety of species of this plant, both cultivated and wild, but the most common chicory is common, with numerous medicinal properties. The aerial parts are collected throughout the summer, and the roots - in the autumn. The ancient Egyptians used the juice of this plant with the bites of snakes and insects, and Avicenna recommended it as a means of treating diseases of the digestive tract, as well as gout and ailments of the musculoskeletal system.

The healing properties of chicory herbs

The herb of chicory is rich in chemical compounds of the group of oxycoumarins, chicory acid and its derivatives - oxycinnamic acids, flavonoids of quercetin, apigenin and others, vitamins and trace elements. The flowers contain chicory glycoside, and the roots are proteinaceous substances, fructose , resins, organic acids, vitamins, mineral constituents, and inulin, which improves metabolism and normalizes the digestive system. The aerial part of the plant contains a large amount of potassium, which gives reason to use it in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases and edema.

The presence of bitterness in the juice enhances the action of the digestive glands and has a slight cholagogic effect. Therapeutic properties of chicory common, which consist in reducing the concentration of glucose in the blood, give the basis to apply it in the therapy of diabetes, and the presence of iodine causes a thyostatic effect. The roots of chicory brew instead of coffee, not being afraid that they will have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, because they do not have caffeine , and the flowers of chicory also have medicinal properties - they soothe the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the body in cases of neurasthenia and hysteria.


The medicinal properties and contra-indications of chicory grass have found application in a variety of ways of preparation. Infusion of herbs in a thermos from 1 tsp. chicory and a glass of boiling water take half a cup 4 times a day for digestive disorders. It can also be used as a lotion for eczema and other skin ailments. In the presence of stones in the gall bladder, chicory is mixed with dandelion, pie, mint, and boiled pure juice is added for 1 tsp. in milk and drink with anemia. Contraindications include varicose veins, hemorrhoids, diseases of the digestive tract in an acute period. In addition, there is always a risk of allergy and individual intolerance.