Devyasil - medicinal properties and contraindications

Sometimes it's better to turn to folk medicine and drink from the rhizomes of elecampane than to take synthetic drugs. Moreover, the grass has many versatile positive effects, which allows you to cope immediately with several diseases. But before the beginning of therapy it is desirable to study in detail the nine-syllabic properties and contraindications to its use, to get acquainted with the list of diseases that can be eliminated with the help of this plant.

The healing properties of the root of the grass is eleven and contraindications to its use

The most valuable is considered to be elephant or Altai, although the plant in question has about 100 species. The main useful components are concentrated in the rhizomes of perennial grass, therefore only medicinal raw materials are used. Among such ingredients is:

Due to the high concentrations of these substances, preparations from the roots of elecampane produce the following positive effects:

In addition, the grass intake of funds from this herb has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, gently and gradually normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes correction of metabolism and reduces excessive secretory activity.

As for contraindications, there are not too many of them:

It is important to note that in the eleventh there is a certain amount of organic poisons - alkaloids. Therefore, the prescribed dosage should be strictly observed, otherwise poisoning may occur.

The healing properties of elecampane specifically for women and contraindications

The rhizomes of the described plant are often used in gynecological practice. Devyasil Altai is able to cope even with a long delay in menstruation , contributes to the onset of conception and is actively used to treat difficulties when trying to become pregnant and clinical infertility, including - endocrinological type.

The considered herb gently but effectively corrects the hormonal balance in the female body. Moreover, funds from elecampane retain this fragile balance after the course of therapy.

Contraindications to taking drugs for women from this plant are:

Therapeutic properties and contraindications to alcohol tincture and deciphered decal

Means manufactured both on water and on alcohol are used to eliminate or alleviate acute and chronic recurrent respiratory tract diseases, genitourinary and digestive, hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems.

Moreover, such medications can be used not only internally, but also externally, as a local therapy for purulent and wet wounds, burns, boils, fungal diseases of the skin. Especially appreciated in this case are the medicinal properties of the tincture of elecampane on vodka - contraindications and side effects with external application of the drug are absent, but the expressed antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects are noticeable from the first application.