Zamaniha - medicinal properties and contraindications

Healing properties of zamanichi recommend not only non-traditional medicine - doctors also recognize its medicinal qualities. The effectiveness of zamanichi is often compared with the effectiveness of ginseng.

The root of the lure is all about it's properties

In zamaniha, like in ginseng, for the manufacture of medicinal products most often use the root. This part of the plant contains many active components, including essential oils, plant saponins, phenolic compounds of aromatic nature, alkaloids, coumarin.

Tincture of zamaniha roots can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is prescribed as a tonic and stimulant for asthenic syndrome, abnormalities of the heart, problems with sleep, low blood pressure, loss of strength, mental fatigue, nervous and mental disorders.

Treated tincture seduction is not prohibited even for pregnant women, but according to the doctor. During menopause in women this drug reduces unpleasant symptoms and nervousness, improves the endocrine system. For men, the tincture of seduction helps to cope with a decrease in sexual function.

Recent studies have shown that tincture tincture is also effective for lowering blood sugar levels. This is its property is very important for diabetics, as well as for those who are predisposed to it.

But those who are attracted to the healing properties of zamanichi, one should also remember about contraindications. These include:

Taking a drug zamanihi, you should remember about the dosage and do not exceed it, otherwise symptoms such as headache and nausea may appear. Too long reception of tincture of lure can provoke occurrence of allergic reaction which will be shown in the form of a boring on a skin.

If for some reason the pharmacy tincture of zamaniha does not fit, you can use one of the suggested recipes and prepare the medicine yourself:

  1. 4 tablespoons dry root pour 400 ml of alcohol and leave the product for 2 weeks in an enclosed place. This medication is taken on 25-40 drops twice a day (as prescribed by the doctor).
  2. To reduce blood sugar, tea is used from a mixture of root zamaniha, black and green tea in equal parts. Prepare this product as herbal tea, but drink it is recommended no later than noon.

Collection of zamaniha roots begin after the final ripening of the fruits of the plant and dropping them leaves (mid-autumn). The dug roots are cleaned, cut into small brusochki and dried.

Therapeutic properties of the herb zamanihi

In addition to the root part, folk medicine also uses grassy parts of zamaniha, for example, leaves and young twigs. Medicinal products from the leaves of zamanichi have actions similar to the preparations from the rhizome, but somewhat weaker. However, since zamaniha is a rare plant, and the extraction of roots leads to its death, the collection of leaves of zamanichi is a more gentle method.

Dried leaves of zamaniha in equal parts are mixed with green and black tea, the collection is brewed as a traditional tea and drunk to enhance the tone, strengthen the protective properties of the body, lower blood sugar. Effective such tea in apathy, insomnia, depression , long-term stress. The prohibitions on the use of leaves of zamanichi coincide with the contraindications to the use of the root.

Preparations based on the herbaceous parts of this plant can be used externally. Cosmetology recommends this remedy for withering the skin and for getting rid of wrinkles.