Bilberry leaf - medicinal properties and contraindications

Bilberry is a favorite berry, which is appreciated not only for its nutritional qualities, but also for a lot of useful properties, it is not for nothing that this plant is included in the list of medicinal raw materials in many countries of the world. It is noteworthy that not only fruits are useful, but also blueberry leaves, which are used to treat a considerable number of pathologies. Consider what are the therapeutic properties of blueberry leaves, and what contraindications are available for their use for medical purposes.

Composition and medicinal properties of blueberry leaves

The chemical composition of blueberry leaves is very diverse and well studied. So, they found the following components:

Due to this, the medicinal properties of the leaves of blueberries are not inferior to berries. Among the useful properties of raw materials are:

Collection and procurement of raw materials

The most suitable time for collecting blueberry leaves is the flowering period of berries, which occurs at the end of May - early June. Leaves should be carefully cut with scissors. After that, the raw material is dried in the shade in a well-ventilated place and packaged in tissue or paper bags.

Indications for the use of blueberry leaves

Blueberry leaves are used, mainly in the form of infusions and broths - both internally and externally. Effective drugs based on this raw material with:

Contraindications of blueberry leaves

With external application, blueberry leaves have practically no contraindications, in addition to individual hypersensitivity. When ingested, it should be borne in mind that blueberry leaves can cause movement of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, and if used excessively - lead to constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the intake of preparations on the basis of blueberry leaves for cholelithiasis and nephrolithiasis, a tendency to constipation. Also, with care to be treated with this raw material is recommended for pancreatic pathologies.