What to give for a housewarming?

Housewarming with friends is, of course, a joy and a holiday, but at the same time and an occasion for thinking about what to give for a housewarming - you can make a gift of your own or do you have to fork out something useful? In general, there are no special restrictions, both approaches are permissible. But it is worth remembering that a gift that can be given to a family for a housewarming party may not be suitable for a single friend.

What to give for a housewarming young?

Perhaps this option is the easiest, when people just start living together, they can come in handy from household appliances to spoons and forks. Do not hesitate in this case to ask the young people what they need, even if your gift for a housewarming party will not be original, but necessary to the owners. Well, in addition, you can give a nice souvenir, which will ensure well-being in the new house. It can be a decorative broom (it is on them from the house to the house travel house), horseshoe, decorative fountain or bull figurine, which embodies the family well-being. There is also a tradition whereby a cat should enter the house first, but if they are not sure that the animal will be a welcome guest in the house, it is better not to do so. But you can give a flower for a housewarming. Which, you decide, it can be a money tree for luck, a representative ficus, a chic palm tree or a cheerful lemon.

What to give a housewarming woman?

Ladies are usually economic beings and know exactly what they may need in a separate apartment, and therefore they store everything they need in advance. And if something has been forgotten, they will try to acquire it in the near future. Therefore, gifts such as accessories for the interior, household appliances, dishes and lamps, it is very cautious. It is better to coordinate such things with the hostess - try to find out on the eve of a housewarming party whether everything you need for the first time is available. If a girlfriend confessed to you, one less problem, if not - you'll have to get out of the situation. For example, remember about the interests of a friend: likes to tinker with flowers, give a "green pet", pots, pots; loves to knit (deals with beading) give a basket for knitting accessories.

You can and present a housewarming gift made by yourself. Only let it be better practical - remember how much time you have to spend to dust the whole row of accumulated trinkets, not the fact that your girlfriend will want to do it. It is better to write for her a beautiful dish with the help of decoupage techniques or make beautiful coasters for hot dishes, using the technique of quilling.

What to give a man for a housewarming?

With men, everything is a little different, they too will not be in admiration for a useless gift - figurine or flower in a pot, but gifts that facilitate the management of the household will be more than favorable. Most men, moving, are concerned about the presence of the most necessary things. And from kitchen utensils they can grab only a cup for themselves, a fork, a spoon and one plate for all dishes. Of course, there are men who love to cook, who will necessarily think about dishes and household appliances, but if your friend does not get into this category, you can give something from this area. A lonely man is often advised to give a cookbook with detailed instructions. Do this only if you are sure that he will use it - with simple dishes a man can cope and without a clue, and something refined will be cooked only if cooking is his passion. Otherwise, the booklet is dusty, lying in the furthest corner. Shelves, floor lamps and other interior items should be given only if you know the taste of this man well.