Green tea with milk for weight loss - prescription

The problem of getting rid of extra pounds excites both men and women. Doing sports will not work if the person does not limit the food , and will not use various recipes for weight loss. One of these means for losing weight is green tea with milk, the recipe of which will be given below.

This drink is very popular among those people who want to lose a few pounds. Its preparation does not require expensive ingredients, it is pleasant to taste. But it should be used carefully, because even tea and dairy products have their drawbacks.

Benefit and harm of green tea for weight loss

This drink is not suitable for those who suffer from intolerance to lactose, which is found in dairy products. If a person is lactose intolerant, green tea with milk will cause abdominal pain, as well as diarrhea and increased gas production.

Also, you can not consume green tea to people who have kidney problems. This kind of tea has a diuretic effect, which can exacerbate chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

All other people can lose weight using green tea with milk. This drink contains vitamins, protein, and trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. The main benefit of green tea with milk is a decrease in hunger. Even a serving of salad or vegetable soup in combination with this drink will help to saturate and not get extra calories.

How to brew green tea with milk?



Boil the milk. After that, wait until it has cooled to about 90 degrees, add 3 teaspoons of tea leaves to it. The mixture should be infused for 20-25 minutes, after which it should be filtered.

Use this drink better chilled, after a meal or instead of snacks. Completely replace them with meals should not be taken, because green tea with milk does not provide the body with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates .

If you want, then in this drink you can add a little honey. This will make it even more pleasant to the taste, just do not overdo it, remember that the honey is very caloric, which means that it can not be consumed in large numbers by those who want to lose weight.