How many live decorative rabbits?

Quite often, children beg of their parents to have at home some pet. Most often they are cats, dogs, parrots, turtles or aquarium fish. But sometimes a little son or daughter really wants to get a fluffy rabbit as a pet. How many years live domestic rabbits? It is this question parents begin to ask themselves when they think about buying a fluffy handsome man. After all, a child can quickly become attached to a pet, and in case of his quick death, it will be very grievous. It all depends on the breed of eared handsome men and the conditions in which they are in your home.

To decorative rocks include many representatives of this family of rodents, which have unusual coloring or lush fur. But a big pet, albeit very beautiful, is not always convenient to keep at home. The question of how many gigantic rabbits live should often be of interest to farmers, and for children it's better to plant cute miniature ears. Now there are already many beautiful dwarf rocks that are perfectly suited even for living in an apartment.

Basic breeds of dwarf ornamental rabbits

  1. Dwarf Rabbit Baran . It refers to lop-eared breeds. His ears seem to form a funny horseshoe. Adult individuals reach up to 2 kilograms. Wonderful ears make it extraordinarily funny and affectionate.
  2. Dwarf colored rabbits . Adult animals do not exceed one and a half kilograms and have different color variations of the skin - red, white, Siamese, red, black-and-white, blue, white and others. These rodents are not always so compliant as sheep, among them there are sometimes aggressive individuals.
  3. Fox dwarf rabbits . These are representatives of longhaired breeds. Color - red, blue, agouti, white, white, chinchilla. Those who dare to start them, you will need to periodically clean your pets.
  4. Angora dwarf rabbits . These are downy animals that have a smart thick fur even on the muzzle. The length of the hair reaches 20 cm. Its appearance leads the children into indescribable delight.
  5. Dwarf rabbits Rex . The color of animals of this breed varies - brown, black, red, white, light color with spots. They differ from other rabbits with an unusual "plush" fur, a narrow head and long ears. Kids at them in the beginning not so beautiful, but with the years they grow up the present cuties.
  6. Germelins . Rodents of this breed have white color and blue or red eyes. They have short and thick hair.
  7. Japanese dwarf rabbits . Animals differ unusual fur - on their body are scattered yellow or dark stripes. Color on one side of the animal may differ from the coloring on the other side.
  8. Dwarf Dutch lop-eared rabbits . The trunk of these animals is strong, and the neck is very small. They are the smallest among the representatives of the lop-eared breeds. Color fur in animals - lilac, light gray, bluish gray, Madagascar, motley, martens and others.

How many rabbits live on average?

Among these animals, a long-liver is not easy to find. On average, they have a life expectancy of about seven to eight years, and dwarf rocks - about five years. It is believed that lop-eared decorative pets (sheep) have a better chance of becoming long-livers than their counterparts with standing ears. How many years live dwarf lop-eared, rams, angora and other decorative dwarf rabbits? Usually, ten years is already considered a very venerable age for our rodents, to which only a few survive. But a great role in this matter is played by proper nutrition and conditions of detention. Keep in mind that they only have fresh food and water, buy quality mixed fodders and mineral supplements, carry out vaccination of the animal on time. Also you need to remember that rabbits are not a funny toy and the disease can cause them not only infection, but also severe stress. If these basic conditions are met, the owner will have more chances that the animal will live a long life, and for many years it will please its children.