Will DiCaprio challenge the Communists of Russia?

The passions around Leonardo DiCaprio flare up where he least expected. While the whole world is waiting with a sinking heart for the long-awaited statuette of Oscar in the hands of the "eternal" nominee, the "Communists of Russia" put forward serious claims and demands to the actor.

The other day DiCaprio said that he would like to play in the big movie the role of the leader of the Russian Federation, perhaps even V.V. Lenin. This fact outraged the secretary of the city committee of the party Sergei Malinkovich.

Fire, water and copper pipes from the communists of Russia

As stated by the politician, Leonardo DiCaprio - a representative of the bourgeoisie, who has no idea about the real life of Lenin, he did not pass the Communist training and experience.

However, in their opinion, a Hollywood actor with Russian roots will be able to claim a role if a long journey from a revolutionary sailor through a link in Shushenskoye with constant consultations of representatives of the Communist Party of Russia takes place during the filming. At the same time, DiCaprio is obliged to rename his island Blackadore to Ulyanovsk and open there the museum of the October Revolution.

Claims to the studio "Lenfilm"

Some time ago, the Russian director Vladimir Bortko, representing the Lenfilm Studio, suggested that Leonardo DiCaprio act in the role of V.V. Lenin is exactly in St. Petersburg, where as this city is most suitable for conveying the mood of revolutionary events and all the requisites are there.

The secretary of the "Communists of Russia" reacted to this proposal of the director-director by a sharp protest, an ultimatum, threatened with protests in case DiCaprio was confirmed as the leader.

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Recall that the party "Communist Russia" is an alternative to the Communist Party, headed by G. Zyuganov. In some political beliefs, the two parties radically disagree and are subject to mutual criticism.