Contact urticaria

Contact urticaria is one of the common ailments that affect the skin. There is an allergic reaction suddenly, immediately after contact with the provocateur of the problem.

Causes of contact urticaria

The root causes of this allergic reaction include:

There are cases when contact urticaria is observed in patients using metal implants. This occurs when a person is hypersensitive to metal alloys.

In the group of high risk are cosmetologists, medical staff and other workers who regularly use latex gloves and other rubber accessories. And if there is contact urticaria, it becomes chronic.

Treatment of contact urticaria

An integrated approach is important in the fight against this disease. When healing, the following groups of medicines are assigned:

An important role in treating this disease is assigned to sedatives. These include tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort and other sedatives.

In addition to medications, in the fight against this allergic disease, folk medicine is also used. For example, make soda anti-inflammatory bath. Also effective are rubbing apple cider vinegar, diluted in half with water.