What is a fractional food?

Many nutritionists recommend to lose weight and to maintain the ideal form to use the system of fractional nutrition. Already a large number of people appreciated this method and confirm its effectiveness.

What is a fractional food?

To control the amount of food eaten, not to feel hunger and get all the necessary substances for the body, this system was invented. Due to fractional nutrition, the body maintains a sufficiently high metabolic rate, which allows you to spend a lot of calories.

Principles of fractional nutrition:

  1. The daily diet should consist of at least 5 meals, between which there should be a break no more than 3 hours.
  2. It is important to monitor the size of the portion, it should be placed in 1 tbsp. To control this, buy a special bowl for yourself.
  3. Fractional food is a system that is based on the principle that you need to eat, even when you do not want to. Otherwise, the desired effect of this will not happen.
  4. It is best if for breakfast your menu will consist of carbohydrates, for example, from cereals. For lunch, you need to choose hot dishes, for example, soup. For dinner it is recommended to give preference to stewed vegetables or salads, as well as fish or meat.
  5. As snacks you can use sour-milk products, salads from vegetables and fruits, dried fruits.
  6. One hour before sleep, you are allowed to drink 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir or vegetable juice.
  7. To get rid of excess weight, choose low-calorie foods for your diet. The daily menu should have a calorie content of not more than 1300 kcal.
  8. Do not forget about the liquid, every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters. Just keep in mind that this amount does not include teas, juices and other beverages.
  9. It is recommended to make a menu in advance in order to calculate the number of meals and the time between them.