Japanese Chin Puppies

Japanese hin - a miniature, but very graceful dog, which was in high esteem even at the court nobility of the Japanese emperors. Ordinary people were forbidden even to touch it. Here and today, Japanese chin puppies are rare, and are most often bought in nurseries for pre-booking.

Description of breed Japanese hin

Japanese hin is a small dog, up to 25 cm in height. There are two categories of the breed: more miniature representatives weigh 2-3 kg, larger ones weigh 3-3.5 kg. The color of the Japanese chin is white with black spots and white with red spots. The wool of chin is quite fluffy, of medium length, on the tail, on the ears and neck - longer and silky.

Japanese chin puppies, like adult dogs, are very playful, cheerful, faithful, easy-going. Dogs of this breed are very attached to the owner, can not stand loneliness and can be jealous of other animals in the house.

Japanese Hin: upbringing and training

Japanese hin can be well educated, from infancy he reaches out to a person, feeling his warmth, sees in him a companion for his games, walks and a happy life. The training of the Japanese chin should begin immediately from the moment the puppy appears in the house. Teach the puppy at your first call to approach you. This skill will be important on walks, so that the pet is not affected by the wheels of bicycles, cars, motorcycles.

Japanese chin mating

To the first mating, the Japanese hin is ready in 15 months, but not later than 3 years. It is not recommended to knit dogs that did not reach a weight of 2 kg, as labor can be very difficult.

It is important to choose the right day for mating, most often this is the 8-12 day estrus. After a couple of days, another "control" meeting is held between the partners. Partners for mating Japanese chin are carefully selected by the ratio of genetic traits. In a litter, usually 3-4 puppies, less often 6.

In a month and a half already, puppies are selected by specialists. Pups with deviations from breed standards, broken tails, congenital defects of the jaw, and the like are rejected. Such puppies of the Japanese chin can no longer participate in breeding and are sold inexpensively.