Why does the kitten constantly mew?

Scientifically proved the fact that the sounds reproduced by the cat carry certain information. If it is a question of kittens, their meowing can be regarded as an aspiration to express their desires and needs.

What should I do if the kitten constantly mews?

Everything that happens to your pet should be in moderation. If you notice that he almost always "screams", of course you should pay attention to this. Many people think about why a kitten mews for no reason, but it is worth noting that often the reason is always: psychological or physical. In a normal state, a physically healthy animal will not produce unnecessary sounds. The root cause of why the kitten constantly meows, maybe hunger. The demand for food from the owner is accompanied by loud meowing and anxiety. Another reason can be that it simply requires your attention and affection. Do not forget that small kittens need to be petted, caressed, they want to feel warm and protected. The period of weaning from the mother cat can be accompanied by such a protracted reaction of the baby. In this case, you need to pay attention to it, play with it and have patience. It is important to check the health of your furry friend, because the cause of his constant meowing can be various diseases . Helminthiasis is a very common disease, very often disturbing small pets.

To avoid such problems, do not forget to check your animal in time with a veterinarian. If you are thinking about how to wean the kitten, first think about what is causing this behavior of the animal. The faster you can find the cause, the faster it will be to eliminate it.